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  1. C

    Question about the forums

    Yep. After looking for several hours, I finally break down and ask on the forum. Then, within minutes, I find my own answer. Please disregard. chris
  2. C

    Question about the forums

    How do I set a personal Avatar? Thanks for any help. chris
  3. C

    My Mantid Projects

    Dang. I should have clicked no, just to be the devil's advocate.
  4. C

    Timid Chinese male

    Thanks for the advice. I'll try to stop being an over protective soccer mom now :-)
  5. C


    I made the suggestion of moths because of the part where he said, "they seem interested but cant quite catch them". I've seen prey 'escape' simply because the mantis that caught them didn't have the arm strength to hold them. In that case, I'd say go to smaller food, or buy them a Bow Flex.
  6. C

    Timid Chinese male

    Dude. Next you're going to tell me he's not interested in chics and football. A male not interested in eating? Pull the other one. Just kidding: I had thought of that, but he just goes so LONG without eating anything. Is it possible that he will starve to death? Should I keep assisting?
  7. C


    At 2 inches, I think you should be feeding your mantis moths really. The G.Hopper would be a great meal, but I'm not sure your little guys are strong enough to hold on to them till they can get them killed. With three mouths to feed, I feel you will be catching a LOT of moths :-( You may want...
  8. C

    Timid Chinese male

    I forgot to mention, Manny is in a 6X5X3 Cricket Keeper, so I don't think the problem is that his cage is to large.
  9. C

    Timid Chinese male

    I have a Chinese male about 2.5 - 3 inches long. He is much more timid at feeding time then I had suspected he would be. When I introduce food to his cage, he just stares at it for about 10 mins. If the bug moves, Manny will turn to look at it, but after 10 mins or so, he just returns his head...
  10. C

    super high humidity

    In one of the setups I've built for Manny (Chinese Male) over the last month, I used a sand substrate with a small cup of water with a sponge in it. I also added some nylon screen to the inside lid of the container so Manny had full access to the lid. I noticed as the temp decreased, Manny moved...
  11. C

    small canisters for nymphs

    Would these work well for fruit fly cultures? You could cut holes in the lids and then cover with mesh or cloth.
  12. C

    Chris Brock

    That's how I met my Ex-Wife :-)
  13. C

    Chris Brock

    Hello everyone, I've finally gotten myself registered. Thanks for the help Ian. As it turns out, I'm more of an idiot then I was previously willing to admit to myself. Well, I never really thought of myself as a "bug person", but two months ago I found a mantis in the parking lot at work, and...