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  1. Plex

    RIP Mark E. Mark :(

    Aww sorry to hear of your loss :(
  2. Plex

    Cryptics Mating

    Congratulations- such cute little guys!!
  3. Plex

    "No Grandma.. that isn't how you do it.."

    Enjoy your quality time with your very own granny! :lol: Yes they do, especially pretties that go well with their other pretties! At least my granny does. When was that? :blink: Was that Hierodula fed a steady diet of protien and steriods in its cricket drumsticks? xD
  4. Plex

    REU Program

    Never been part of it, no, but I definitely would love to sometime! Good luck with it, hopefully they'll accept you in one the jobs!
  5. Plex

    Turning a year old, turning black...literally! HELP!

    Taking the raptor off might help in this case, but she is quite old it seems.. I wish you the best of luck with making your little Scyther as comfortable as possible. How much has the black on the wing spread?
  6. Plex

    "No Grandma.. that isn't how you do it.."

    It is easier, but I'm hoping to snatch up some interesting critters while camping and up north, and I haven't had a weekend away from the city since before I started college- I'm starting to go stir crazy! ;) Haha if I did set her up with an account on here, you all would have more questions...
  7. Plex

    "No Grandma.. that isn't how you do it.."

    That is actually quite brilliant! I'll definitely try that out before summer and then set things up before leaving on each trip, it'll definitely make grandma happy that all she'll have to do is mist and watch for molts and keep an eye on any ootheca that may be here by then. I will definitely...
  8. Plex

    "No Grandma.. that isn't how you do it.."

    My aunt is still afraid of them... at least the larger ones, the itty bitty creos she doesn't mind though. :rolleyes: Yeah, I'm hoping that most if not all are going to be on hf or larger by then, but with my luck I'll have an ooth hatch right before or during a trip. :P My grandparents both...
  9. Plex

    "No Grandma.. that isn't how you do it.."

    So I'm going up north this summer and have some other loose plans for trips, so Grandma (usually the least likely person in my household to offer something like this) offered to learn how to care for the mantids for while I'm gone- which made me estatic because that means I can actually make...
  10. Plex

    Namaqua rain frog - Breviceps namaquensis

    This might be my favorite pitcture of anything ever. He has plans- he's going somewhere! He may not know where... but he is!
  11. Plex

    Flea problem

    What Andrew said can work. It also depends how bad the flea problem is; how bad is your problem?
  12. Plex

    Namaqua rain frog - Breviceps namaquensis

    THESE. ARE. ADORABLE. Oh my god I need these in my life. Cutest frog I've ever seen! And the scream is just precious! Everything about this frog is an adorable ball of joy.
  13. Plex

    True Facts Video

    I quite enjoy all of the True Facts vids I've seen. My favorites are The Mantis and Morgan Freeman...
  14. Plex

    Glass Mantis adult male molt

    Congratulations, beautiful species-one which I've loved since I first saw a video of them! I wish you luck on your breeding of them... so brilliantly colored!
  15. Plex

    Amusing Mantids

    I saw this yesterday! Haha lovely. This guy did a few other true facts videos that are also quite awesome, too!
  16. Plex

    Happy Valentines Day, Mantidforum!

    Australian Ikeas specifically, yeah? It's hilarious!
  17. Plex

    Happy Valentines Day, Mantidforum!

    Happy valentine's day!! ^_^
  18. Plex

    A recent find

    That's an amazing find!! What other fossils have you found? :D
  19. Plex

    Anyone Bake??

    I am in agreement with that! :lol:
  20. Plex

    Anyone Bake??

    I bake semi-regularly. Usually for birthdays or holidays, I need some sort of motivation to go all out. My best friend has a personal favorite.. I bake a special rainbow cheesecake on occasion with fruit flavored cereal instead of graham crackers for the crust. X3 I'm baking a strawberry swirl...