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  1. L

    My mantis is worrying me, again!

    Thanks everyone! We're on to day 7 since her last cricket today. She's moved to a different position in her cage but still no molt. I put some crickets in with her, she saw one but made no move to get it.... so, the wait continues!
  2. L

    My mantis is worrying me, again!

    Ok, that's reassuring! Thanks, I'll stop meddling with her for now :)
  3. L

    My mantis is worrying me, again!

    Oh that's sad  :(
  4. L

    My mantis is worrying me, again!

    Thanks, I hope so! I guess a big part of my worry is I don't actually know how long she can go without food. I know adults can go a couple of weeks but she's not an adult yet.  
  5. L

    My mantis is worrying me, again!

    Now she's dropped it after eating for a minute or so and won't take it back again...
  6. L

    My mantis is worrying me, again!

    Tried it again dipped in honey and she's taken it!
  7. L

    My mantis is worrying me, again!

    I just tried the dissected bug but she totally backed away.
  8. L

    My mantis is worrying me, again!

    She's only molted once since we've her, I think we had her for 2 weeks and then she molted, so I don't know how long the gap was previously. Thanks!!!
  9. L

    My mantis is worrying me, again!

    She is about 3cm, so 1.2 inches or so. I don't want to try to make her eat if she's prepping to molt but then I don't want to just assume she's going to molt and let her starve!
  10. L

    My mantis is worrying me, again!

    Ok, I'll give it a try. Do you think there's any chance she's just taking a long time to molt?
  11. L

    My mantis is worrying me, again!

    Hmm, no i haven't tried that. It is strange.. when she's hungry she normally really goes for the bugs as soon as she sees them, which is why I thought she was molting, but it's been so long now ?
  12. L

    My mantis is worrying me, again!

    She has crickets. I tried getting one in tweezers and offering it to her but she wasn't interested and I got her out and had a cricket run right by her but she didn't go for it. I also offered her honey and water on a q tip but she wasn't interested.
  13. L

    My mantis is worrying me, again!

    So, my mantis last molted on Oct 3. Prior to that she went 4 days without eating. Now it's Wednesday, she hasn't eaten since last Thursday so 5 full days without food, and I keep thinking she's going to molt but nothing yet... she seems uninterested in eating, she just looks at the bugs and...
  14. L

    Best size food?

    I have a female European nymph. Not sure what insta she is but she could be L5, she's around 3.5cm long. At the moment I have crickets and locusts for her. What's the best size to be feeding her? Is half her body length too big?  Thanks!
  15. L

    Mantis has molted, not sure about her leg!

    Thanks everyone! I was able to get one of the crickets to go near her and she caught and ate it. I was only worried because with the time pre and post molt she was up to 6 days without food and that felt like a lot! I'm thinking perhaps her home is a little large compared to her and the size...
  16. L

    Mantis has molted, not sure about her leg!

    So, she got herself out of her molt fine in the end, but now I'm worried about her not eating... she hasn't eaten since last Friday, she wasn't interested before her molt, and this morning she swiped at a cricket which she either missed or dropped and now she's watching but not trying to catch...
  17. L

    Mantis has molted, not sure about her leg!

    She hasn't moved much! Still got her foot attached to her shed skin 
  18. L

    Mantis has molted, not sure about her leg!

    Good to know, thanks!
  19. L

    Mantis has molted, not sure about her leg!

    When I measured her about a week ago she was just over an inch so she'd probably be heading towards 1.5 inches long now. I got her from an exotic pet shop just outside London (I'm in the UK).
  20. L

    Mantis has molted, not sure about her leg!

    Thanks ?  I don't actually know, I didn't ask when I bought her from the shop, doh!