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  1. C

    Incubation Time

    Thanks for the fast reply
  2. C


    Well curently i have 1.1 Veileid Chameleon She is gravid 1.1 Bearded Dragons 2.3Fire Bellied Toads 1.3 Leopard Geckos 1.0.1 Red Eared Sliders 1.0 Yellow Bellied Sliders 1.0 Russian Tortoise 0.0.1 Eastern Box Turtle 1.0 Three Toed Box Turtle 0.0.7 Anoles 0.0.2 Red Back Salamanders and...
  3. C

    Incubation Time

    Hello, I was wondering how long it will take my chinese mantid ootheca to hatch its being kept at 72 degrees and it was laid on 9/23/07. Thanks Caleb
  4. C


    Hello, My names caleb im a sophmore this year im new to keeping mantids currently i have 2 chinese mantids and an ootheca that is also from the chinese mantids. One of my biggest hobbies is reptiles and fish i have over 30+ reptiles and 20+ fish.