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  1. S

    refridgerate ootheca?

    I live in hot Florida. One of my manti just laid an ootheca. I'm afraid if I keep it outside (or even in the house, they may emerge in the middle of winter. Is it OK to refridgerate? Or should I just leave them out and hope they don't hatch (the wife might file for divorce)
  2. S

    Eggbound death?

    An update: One of the girls died. The other is still real ill after 2 weeks. Black spots on the side of the one who died Autopsy showing egg size and internal black mass Brown "rupture" area on the still living one I'm guessing what happened is the 2 females needed to get the eggs...
  3. S

    Eggbound death?

    An update: One of the girls died. The other is still real ill after 2 weeks. Black spots on the side of the one who died
  4. S

    Eggbound death?

    We'd appreciate anyone's help on this topic: I have 5 Mantids: 3 female and two male, all from same ootheca. All 3 females have mated with the males. One of the females has laid eggs, the other 2 have not. All are healthy, except the 2 who have not laid eggs. One of them was oozing a dark fluid...