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  1. L

    Taking a Mantis from the Wild

    Well little miss is settling in well. The boy and I picked up an aquarium for her We covered the bottom in soil since the pet store didn't have any moss (we'll pick some up tomorrow) and gave her a nice branch from the front yard. She made quick work of the cricket we caught for her...
  2. L

    Taking a Mantis from the Wild

    Thanks for the input. My decision was hastened by the fact that my non-bug liking roommate was coming home with tons of groceries and I knew she would not be careful enough to not disturb her. So the boy and I made her a little temporary home and she's hanging out in the kitchen right now...
  3. L

    Can anyone help me identify?

    I had thought about that Asa, but I'm not sure how okay that is...I have a thing about "wild animals" staying wild...but she sure does seem determined to hang out with us. It was funny, my boy came home from work and she's hanging upside town over his head investigating and he's talking to her...
  4. L

    Taking a Mantis from the Wild

    I'd like to know how you all feel on the subject. I have an adult mantis now that I could fairly easily capture as she seems to be pretty aclimated to my presence already...but I'm wrestling with whether or not it's "right" to do that. What are your thoughts on this?
  5. L

    Can anyone help me identify?

    Thank you both :) She's still hanging around, literally, she's above the door now. :D
  6. L


    Hi guys! Just a quick hello from the Northwest US (Northern Idaho) I'm Brandi and I'm a girly girly who actually enjoys bugs a good deal. Mantis are my favorite though. My boyfriend and I have been toying with the idea of raising some for ourselves, when one decided to take up residence on...
  7. L

    Can anyone help me identify?

    I'm in the northwest and despite a lifelong interest in them, I've never had the opportunity to raise mantis. Anywho, this one showed up on my doorstep last night, and so we've been interacting all day. The boyfriend says it's a she, so she's been deemed Miss Stick :) Anywho, can anyone...