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  1. C

    Pachnoda sinuata flaviventris

    I've kept them same conditions as I kept all beetles really people always ask how long do they take to ... and I can never answer, lol, I didn't pay much attention to time for life cycle tbh
  2. C

    Quick last minute reminder: Life In The Undergrowth.

    were the 17 year old "beetles" not katydids?
  3. C

    Mantis Caresheets

    from some peoples opsts I would perhaps suggest an FAQ covering general questions asked about mantids I think it would be nigh on impossible to get all 300+ members (i know not all still post but Im giving an example, lol) to agree on how to care on one species let alone several
  4. C

    PayPal account holders.....beware!

    i've had an ebay one before we often get bank ones, problem is its usually from Banks we don't even use! lol
  5. C

    South American Mantis

    They used to be quite common in captivity (well as far as unusuals are common) but have died out in captivity as with many species :( If I ever get round to an import from Belize or Nicuragua I may be able to get some
  6. C

    Whats the best most informative mantis book?

    ellroy, interesting find, with help of my friendly translator website heres the description in English: God admirers are truly fascinating animals, and this volume shows the impressing insects in all its absurd beauty. Monika studied during many excursion and Richard Fellinger – both skilled...
  7. C

    Other Arthropod forums/ breeders...

    I would have thought its a bit cold for importing now, depends where from I suppose but from the tropics delivery will take a few days which could kill off some of the things you order, just a thought, I've been told that its best not to import anything if night time temperatures are falling...
  8. C

    can any body identify this

    I wouldn't have said Mantis's was correct, perhaps Im wrong, mantis/mantid singular or mantids plural
  9. C

    Chalcosoma atlas

    I think most beetles carry out most of their life cycle as grubs I've kept a few species, what species in particular did you like lots of those I've seen on the lists of europeans but some I've not I quite P.mueleri which are available but fetch either £35 or £45/adult pair in the UK (cant...
  10. C

    Anyone interested in 'Cryptozoology'?

    certainly looks organic from the other side looks a bit like a shell of sorts but otherside doesn't really in my opinion let us know what it is when you find out
  11. C

    check out these beauties...

    It wouldn't be very easy to re-loate them fisrtly becaise ecosystems are usually well balanced, introducing a new predator could make other extinct also the conditions would need to be right for the mantid, I have no idea how widespread this species is, I doubt many/any do so its hard to say...
  12. C

    fabric mesh for cage - where to buy in uk and what type ?

    I've got a copy somewhere quite interesting and quite good imo, see if I can find it
  13. C

    alternate heating

    I usually just keep mantids at the room temperature often I keep them on top of reptile tanks so get some heat from there suppose you could set up an aquarium with bricks in it, fill water to below bricks, use aquarium heater, have something solid between bricks and place mantid tanks there...
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    Would be nice to get to go out there and have a look at inverts 150 species of insects, wonder what interesting mantids, phasmids & beetles there are, lol :D
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    someone posted a link to whats that bug website on another thread so browsing it I found this: The only information they had was : We have a farm in Northeastern Brazil . You would not believe the insects we have. I must have close to 150 pictures of insects I have found. Just this may, I...
  16. C

    Anyone interested in 'Cryptozoology'?

    After re-reading the article I need to correct myself. I know remember that it was a TV program, not the national geographic magazine, which suggested either H.floresiensis or a hybrid between H.floresiensis and H.sapian(not sure of spelling, lol) As for evolution I believe that natural...
  17. C

    C.briareus hatching

    I'm lucky, I have a 20'ish foot eucalyptus tree in the back garden Have a couple of smaller trees in pots outside but not doing too well, should probably plant them at some time, lol
  18. C

    Anyone interested in 'Cryptozoology'?

    the discovery of that new species of hominid was really interesting more interesting is that several tribes around the area are around the same size as H.floresiensis (the species of hominid) - I'm sure thats roughly what national geographic magazine said, looking at the article but it's quite...
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    Ultimate mantis hotspot

    just read your post again, lol, your looking for country with most species, not sure about that
  20. C

    Ultimate mantis hotspot

    only yesterday looked @ mantids of Bulgaria only 4 species we're buying an apartment there so wanted to check however site said it imagined there were loads of species undiscovered in bulgaria as little research had been done, who knows, maybe find a species in a new locality or even a new...