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  1. C

    Nymph moults

    I know, you explained it fine before however my brother uses the system I described as L1 being after the first shed (exc shed coming from ootheca) and has done with the 1000's of mantids he has bred If I remember I'll contact the MSG, see what they say
  2. C

    Hungry Mantis

    tweezers! cant be bothered with them fingers do fine, although it may be slightly awkward with smaller crix
  3. C

    Nymph moults

    :? There seems to be an awful lot of confusion about this, I would regard your L2 as L0, lol, your L3 is my L1!! How do other people regard this? Ive heard of newly hatched (including ooth shed) as L1 but never L2. I might start a new topic on this but I think there may already be one im...
  4. C

    Mantis substrate.

    I dont use a substrate, no real need
  5. C


    I guess Im lucky where I am in the UK has some of the purest water so I don't need to de-chlorine the water etc
  6. C

    Do you like tarantulas?

    No problem, its understandable that people would want to know how Im told so by my brother, lol, who has bred 1000's of both and been one of the first/only people to breed certain mantis species - think 1 of the first in uk for some T species generally speaking T's need: less water/misting...
  7. C

    Do you like tarantulas?

    mantids are much easier to keep than T's we're "officialy" not allowed snakes or T's in the house but it happens quite frequently, lol
  8. C

    bearded dragon set ups

    congrats samzo, where did you buy the beardie? a shop or a breeder? do you have a pic of the full set-up?
  9. C

    bearded dragon set ups

    I just saw this thread, add my 2p worth I myself use playsand and have done for a couple of years(know peole who have for longer) and haven't had any problems, although I know people that use calci-sand(including somebody that probably breeds on average 100+ leos a ear) without problems. In my...
  10. C


    thought blades-biological did them this may be them right column, 4 down whether he'd export them I dont know also seem a bit pricy but may be worthwhile if that starts a colony
  11. C

    Can you buy live moths or kits?

    joe doesn't export ouside europe but world wide butterflies does, hence world wide I guess, lol :lol:
  12. C

    Sending through the post

    I dont bother writing live insects on the box for a couple of reasons firstly joe bloggs the posty wont care whats in his parce, he needs it to go from A-B ASAP and Im pretty sure that's what he'd do, some may be more considerate but I wouldnt imagine that that many will, couriers aren't meant...
  13. C

    Sending through the post

    fruitflies wouldn't really be a problem, never thought of that but the safest method of sending nymphs imo is in film containers, as such it will be very dark (would be in box anyway if using other containers) and not a lot of space for the mantid to move in (this makes it safer for the mantid)...
  14. C

    Sending through the post

    for smaller nymphs the film containers (the ones you store 35mm camera film in) are good and becoming quite frequently used pack the box the film containers are in well so as not to shake about to much do not include prey unlesds you want half a mantid to arrive at the destination, lol...
  15. C

    Parasitic wasps?!

    you certainly get parasitic wasps that parasitise(is that a word, lol) oothecae, not sure about live mantids though
  16. C

    What beetles? (See Grubs)

    can I ask how you knew that? lol id'ing grubs seems near impossible to me, lol
  17. C

    Eremiaphila species :: so cuddley!!!

    I do like that genus I know of one person in europe who has definately bred them and another who has the name on his website but not currently available they lay ooths in sand which is very weird each ooth hatches around 20 nymphs with only 1-2 nymphs hstching per week! tricky for breeding...
  18. C

    Opinion needed

    bit of a cheek considering your website is run on virgin which I imagine is your ISP and provides free hosting! :P and you used to use or something like that although I must admit, I personally dont like free servers unless i'm just "playing about" with a rubbish site, if I...
  19. C

    Eh up New on here

    Im from Uk The best of the 4 countries in the UK to be exact :D
  20. C

    I'm Back

    thanks Ive seen some of your posts PseudoDave but I'm not sure how much I've posted since you joined btw, who bought the forum? do we know?