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  1. nirotorin

    Mantis Size

    Yeah I know. I was just picturing a mantis with cankles and such.
  2. nirotorin

    Cryptic Sex

    How do you have 17 species and no males? That's a lot of bad luck.
  3. nirotorin

    Ghost lays ooth

    Well that's disappointing. At least you know now, and won't be watching unhatching oothes for however long.
  4. nirotorin

    Theopropus elegans mating success

    Why did they only stay together for 40 minutes?
  5. nirotorin

    Mantis Size

    I guess mantids can't become obese, or can they?
  6. nirotorin

    House Fly Culturing

  7. nirotorin


    Whoooah!!! Too cool. I had no idea. Makes sense though. I really like that first pic.
  8. nirotorin

    Little black flies

    Well they're pretty hard to keep out of stuff. It only takes one to lay a mess of eggs.
  9. nirotorin

    Little black flies

    They may have laid their eggs on the netting, or flown in while you had your back turned during cleaning, or feeding.
  10. nirotorin

    Catching wild house flies

    I didn't know you could be allergic to flies. Interesting.
  11. nirotorin

    A Mantidfly!

    It's too bad they have such a weird life cycle. They are pretty cool. I've only ever seen 3, or 4 maybe.
  12. nirotorin

    What is this bug?

    Cool looking assassin bug.
  13. nirotorin


  14. nirotorin

    White Eyed Devil

    I'd like to keep some red eyed devils. I wonder how difficult getting them to breed successfully is.
  15. nirotorin

    Accidentally cultured Green Metallic Hoverfly (Ornidia obesa)

    Btw, how about some pics of your setup, and the critters?
  16. nirotorin

    Hello from Santa Barbara, CA

    Welcome, from up north, slightly! You should model your app after a pokedex somehow. Have it show how many people currently possess each species, and other group stats.
  17. nirotorin

    White Eyed Devil

    Awesome! I was just wondering if anybody kept these. I saw some really impressive spiky looking ones in central Texas.
  18. nirotorin

    Phaenopharos Khaoyaiensis (Red Winged Stick Insect)

    Too bad it is such evil villainy to own these creatures. How about some pics?
  19. nirotorin

    Accidentally cultured Green Metallic Hoverfly (Ornidia obesa)

    I also would be interested in them. They sound like a good feeder.