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  1. sidewinder

    How say mantis in Spanish?

    First of all, all the names londonmantid and I posted are all "correct". All the names are used somewhere in the Spanish speaking world. And I can guarantee that there are more. Second, the idea that mantids killed livestock is not unique to the Mexico, Central America, and South America. It...
  2. sidewinder

    What do you say?

    So you suppose there could be a humidity-terminated egg diapause? Is there any precedent for this in mantids? Scott
  3. sidewinder

    What do you say?

    According to page 283 of The Praying Mantids, the species Mantis religiosa is present in Ghana. Ghana is very near the equator. What could stop M. religiosa in Ghana from having overlapping generations and multiple generation per year? Scott
  4. sidewinder

    What do you say?

    Orin, Why don't you tell us what you think Dr. Yager's quote does say. Here is the quote again: "Because mantises are primarily tropical in distribution, the issue of diapause doesn't come up often. Even M. religiosa, which needs diapause over some of its range, does not in others (southern...
  5. sidewinder

    What do you say?

    MantidLord, It is important to note that basically all insects species trace their origin to the tropical equatorial zone. And, from what I have read, no successful insects in the tropical equatorial zone trace their roots to extratropical species. Based on that information, it would make sense...
  6. sidewinder

    What do you say?

    Hypoponera, My question would be can the incubation start and then be halted or does the incubation process need to start and finish after the cold season. In other words, can the young begin to develop in the egg and stop that process because of cold weather? Or, once the young start to...
  7. sidewinder

    What do you say?

    Hypoponera, I think you are correct, the freshly laid Northern European Mantis religiosa ootheca would never hatch in Africa. I think the freshly laid ootheca from an African M. religiosa would hatch in northern Europe but it could be at the end of the season and all nymphs would die. I suspect...
  8. sidewinder

    How say mantis in Spanish?

    Arkanis, From what I could find, they use "Mamboreta" in Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Scott
  9. sidewinder

    Help! Mantis eggs!

    TheDakFoxOfDoom, The links to the pictures don't least not for me. But it doesn't matter, even assuming the eggs have been fertilized, they are not viable outside of the ootheca like that. Sorry. Scott
  10. sidewinder

    What do you say?

    MantidLord, Let's assume for a moment that Dr. David Yager is correct and Mantis religiosa in tropical regions do not require a diapause for their oothecae to hatch. Either the M. religiosa in tropical regions adapted to not require a diapause or the M. religiosa in temperate regions adapted to...
  11. sidewinder

    How say mantis in Spanish?

    Well, let's not forget "Fraile" and "Pregadeu"... His grandmother used "Predicador" so I think he has what he needs.... Scott
  12. sidewinder

    Favorite Mantid...

    A mantid that long would solve my feral cat problem..... ;) Scott
  13. sidewinder

    Favorite Mantid...

    Folks, Things are a little slow around here and I thought this would be an interesting topic. This is more for the members here that have kept a lot of different mantid species, but all are welcome to participate. What is your favorite mantid species to keep? If you could only have one mantid...
  14. sidewinder

    How say mantis in Spanish?

    ¡De nada! Scott
  15. sidewinder

    How say mantis in Spanish?

    Arkanis, "Mantis religiosa" is most common. Others include "Predicador", "Matapiojos", "Tata Dios", and "Mamboretá". Scott
  16. sidewinder

    What do you say?

    Orin and kamakiri, Did you guys read this: Dr. Yager is the Dr. David Yager that contributed to the book "The Praying Mantids". He knows what he is talking about. If he says there are M. religiosa in parts of the world that don't need a diapause, I would tend to believe him. Scott
  17. sidewinder

    Interesting Article

    Let's not forget that not all color comes from pigmentation that would be affected by albinism. Chemicals in the body can provide some color as can some foods. In insects, many colors are seen because of how the exoskeleton structure interferes with light reflection. The insect in the picture...
  18. sidewinder

    What do you say?

    Orin, Taiwan has a marine tropical climate which tells us the mean temperature is above 64.4 °F (18.0 °C) all year long. There is no way the climate in Taiwan would break diapause for a central or northern European Mantis religiosa. Mantis religiosa is also present in African countries. One...
  19. sidewinder

    Why sexual maturity at different times for sexes?

    Arkanis, The first thing you need to do is remember that what you see with captive mantids is not necessarily representative of what happens in nature. Keep in mind that the vast majority of mantid species are tropical and do not have to complete their life cycle in single growing season...
  20. sidewinder

    ooth trouble

    ant, What species? Scott