Possibly one or two exo's wouldn;t be bad but if you would like 4 it get's xpencive . my local supplier is $68.50 for the 20 x 20 x 30 . do you have a supplier for less . S
hy Darth Your ooth would be better off in an unheated shed or outside . I have wood heat in my place and it is all that I can do to keep humidity at 40% . Outside it is a natural 75 to 80 % in winter , with the snow . Both Chinese (tenodera) & European (religiosa) are naturalized here...
Hy & Welcome Roaming , as mentioned earlier drosophila' will survive only a couple days outside of a culture . You'll just have to jump in with both feet and raise more mantids .......... ha, ha ........ S
I just hatched a non- diapaused ooth and have a 90% mortality , another ooth incubating. I have a few diapausing to compare hatch mortality after at least 8 wks . I am not sure if lower nite temps help ootheca or hatched nymphs ....S
The fol;lowing are pics of Tenoderas that have not been diapaused .........
I will be forwarding the results of ooth that have been diapaused at least 8 weeks..... S
A little knowledge some times is enough to get us in trouble , I've been an arborist & pesticide applicator for 25 years in the business of veg. & insect control , still learning things every day ......... S