🙏 thank you! The Chinese mantis came from the silkworm shop and the others came from bugs in cyber space. In their defense, my email never went through (I found it hanging in my outbox after the fact) so the only message to explain the interweb glitch was a Facebook message and it was responded...
Thanks! Wow! PB& jelly over here lol! So far we have 2 Chinese mantis, (Boots and Pants) 1 ghost mantis, (Leafy) and 2 spiny flower mantis (Buggy and Spots) I hope to breed. I’m working my tail off to find at least one Orchid for my daughter’s bday 2/24 and meant to purchase 4 more ghosts...
Yea I had myself a little panic waiting for my live package...I checked the report when I ordered and did NOT see all this snow business lol living on the coast is a shoot sometimes...someone turn Spring on plsssssss
My service dogs Gotham and Arkham; wouldn’t be able to do much without these big lugs🖤 sometimes I get asked if my disability means I walk with a cane and I say ‘no, I walk with a Dane’ 😉 #momjokes
Ty, lol no he’s not really a fan 🤪 but he is a fan of things that make me happy so he tolerates them and gives a wide berth when they’re out on the plants. He does like the art they inspire as well. They’re fun to photograph and draw.
Thanks! We’ve kept gineau pigs before lol hard pass. I’ve been trying to get my hands on some orchids for my kiddo wants one for her bday. Where did you get yours? We have Xbox but I prefer PS my hubby plays the Xbox more often lol
Hello everyone! I’m Rebelle!
I’m married with 3 kids, 2 Great Danes (aka house ponies), 2 shop Cats, 2 rabbits, and 5 mantis. I’m an artist in Aberdeen, Wa and my husband drives truck. I enjoy sharing the hobby with my children.