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  1. BrinzerDecalli

    Butterfly Terrarium?

    Hey all, Waiting on an oothe to hatch to adopt my first mantis. Looking for cheap housing options for a Chinese mantis that I can hang on my bedroom wall. Any reason something like this wouldn't be good? Do I need a different container at first, or can a youngster live in there alright? The...
  2. BrinzerDecalli

    Birthday wish in Philly! New mantis lover looking for local breeder to help him find his first mantid buddy!

    Hey out there all you mantis breeders and enthusiasts! I was developing a character for a cartoon I hope to make/D&D campaign I'm participating in, when in researching, I grew a fondness for these unique, amazing, and expectation-defying wonders. I recently got interested in getting a...
  3. BrinzerDecalli

    Hey from Philly! Artistic, weird, and nerdy!

    @crabbypatty Thanks! The joke is that's how I do photography, with magic! lol @Rick Thaks! @Teamonger Haha I hope which ever I get likes me! :)  Thanks! @hibiscusmile What link are you asking for?
  4. BrinzerDecalli

    Hey from Philly! Artistic, weird, and nerdy!

    @KevinsWither Okay gotcha... lol With all the D&D talk I had to check you didn't mean the mantis does the best that a good person can do, and they are devoted to helping others. lol
  5. BrinzerDecalli

    Hey from Philly! Artistic, weird, and nerdy!

    @crabbypatty Such amazing work! Thanks for sharing! That macro is on point, and the female hybrids are really cool too! Dem hotties with the mantis bodies. lol Love the art style. I would love to see your depiction of Mantis, the superheroine from Marvel comics. 
  6. BrinzerDecalli

    Hey from Philly! Artistic, weird, and nerdy!

    @Tehshlendo Yeah I hear ya. man... It sucks when friends separate or move away. There are usually meetup groups for D&D, look for any of those online? Sadly, my local one is not in an accessible area, so finding good squads to play with is definitely difficult. And there's always Roll 20...
  7. BrinzerDecalli

    Hey from Philly! Artistic, weird, and nerdy!

    Prish @Tehshlendo   Where at in Pa, mind I ask? I really like the creative/ in battle problem-solving and improv/character development elements of D&D, always used a computer or Roll 20, never actually used paper, so guess I'm a poser. lol
  8. BrinzerDecalli

    Hey from Philly! Artistic, weird, and nerdy!

    lol can't swear on here huh?... That will take work to curb my language lol @KevinsWither   Good to meet you Kev! My parents actually moved to AZ when I started college in 08, but haven't visited yet... I have the opposite spectrum of disability as you actually; I have SMA, a physical...
  9. BrinzerDecalli

    Hey from Philly! Artistic, weird, and nerdy!

    Hey,So, I was writing this background for a character I'm developing for D&D [a monk/rogue wood elf possessed by a mantis demon lord... you can see a not yet finished drawing of that guy in my profile picture], yeah, some nerdy stuff, huh? lol and in researching everything about praying...