theres a farm shop that has a breeding program breeding chinese mantids for their eggcases and they've been using the same bloodline for 13 years and i've never seen any problem when i hatch their ooths. they seem very normal like wild ones.
Thanks Yen for your help :D and thanks too everyone, i wasn't soo sure it was male because of its pretty bigfemale looking sheild. but now i know. and thanks ian, let me know when MF comes out with some :) .
I've had this problem with my chinese ooth before, It could be humidity but the way i do it now it have a wet paper towel at the bottom and spray it heavily so the mantids have plenty of humidity so they can come out of they're eggs easily.
No problem, If you ever have some dead leaf's for sale, could you let me know andrew? i'm very interested in these and i want to keep a lot of different gened dessicata.
I had this happen to my adult male d. desiccata. and it was only 5 weeks old. but it attempted to mate with my female 20 times and kept "missing" so i think it died of early old age.