i have managed to do it but it was really hard, my nymphs are L1 and L2
and they are a hand full any ways it is best not to hand feed them.
good luck!
ya once or twice a day i spray away from the ootheca now i have a 40 watt bulb, 60 watt bulb broke, their's a portable heater in my room i don't know how hot it is because i don't have the money to buy thermommiter for my room.
my enclosure is made of wood not cedar i made it my self their's nothing in it though i used window screen instead of glass i hung my ootheca from the seiling of the cage there's a lamp in front with a sixty watt bulb what should i put in it for my carolina ootheca when they hatch?
i've got 5 carolina mantid ootheca and don't know if their fertile or not they just keep geting bigger and bigger i don't know wether or not the female i caught had al ready mated she had layed 5 ootheca while in my care and then she died :cry: