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  1. D

    how do you tell if the ootheca is fertile

    thanks shadow 8) dakota
  2. D

    please help me my mantis has shed and won't eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    please help me my mantis has shed and won't eat, pleasehelp me one of my L2s is now an L3 and is weak and he won't eat help me :cry:
  3. D

    Need help feeding

    i have managed to do it but it was really hard, my nymphs are L1 and L2 and they are a hand full any ways it is best not to hand feed them. good luck! thanks, dakota
  4. D

    How long does a mating pair of P. agrionina last?

    no i did not want him to get eaten i am just so happy he did not get eaten sorry about that 8)
  5. D

    How long does a mating pair of P. agrionina last?

    all right! so he did'nt get eaten. 8) dakota
  6. D

    what do i feed nymphs

    thanks Rick, hey did you get that email i sent you?
  7. D

    my enclosure is made of wood

    thanks Rick
  8. D

    what do i feed nymphs

    thanks Ramona
  9. D

    what do i feed nymphs

    OKC is great so far i've lived hear all my life i'm 13, you can get those flies at petsmart :D
  10. D

    my enclosure is made of wood

    i can't find a website that my mom would order those wingless fruit flies
  11. D

    what do i feed nymphs

    i live in oklahoma city, my ooth hasn't hatched yet can i feed them pin head crickets.
  12. D

    my enclosure is made of wood

    thanks i'll turn the lamp off right away, hey is window screening good enough for when they hatch out?
  13. D

    what do i feed nymphs

    what do i feed L-1 nymphs if i cant' get any flies of any type?
  14. D

    my enclosure is made of wood

    ya once or twice a day i spray away from the ootheca now i have a 40 watt bulb, 60 watt bulb broke, their's a portable heater in my room i don't know how hot it is because i don't have the money to buy thermommiter for my room.
  15. D

    my enclosure is made of wood

    my enclosure is made of wood not cedar i made it my self their's nothing in it though i used window screen instead of glass i hung my ootheca from the seiling of the cage there's a lamp in front with a sixty watt bulb what should i put in it for my carolina ootheca when they hatch?
  16. D

    how do you tell if the ootheca is fertile

    i've got 5 carolina mantid ootheca and don't know if their fertile or not they just keep geting bigger and bigger i don't know wether or not the female i caught had al ready mated she had layed 5 ootheca while in my care and then she died :cry: