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  1. petoly

    Suitability of this enclosure

    dude that's gonna bake them lol. get a 60 watt with a rheostat you can make a rheostat for like 7 bucks that will handle up to 600watts I believe. you will most likely have to adjust it daily so I would keep a permanent digital probe in there. do your ambient temps in the room fluctuate a lot...
  2. petoly

    a couple crappy metallyticus violaceus videos I made

    m. violaceus threat posing
  3. petoly

    Bagelheads Invade Japan!

    I have a facebook with the work I do. Im not super heavily tattooed myself but if you want to see the tattoos I do and my drawings my facebook is been tattooing for 6 years, piercing for 7, and I have my bachelor's degree in illustration. ohhh wait I get it now! they...
  4. petoly

    Bagelheads Invade Japan!

    as a professional tattooist and piercer.....some people do the stupidest shiat. if those are saline bags, which looks like it I'd love to see someone get punched on their saline implant and watch it deflate lol. EDIT. So apparently it's just a solution that swells your skin to which you can...
  5. petoly

    Suitability of this enclosure

    sounds like you are set =) if the basking lamp is put on one side of the enclosure, they don't need to go to the bottom to thermoregulate. They will just walk under the light, then when they get hot they will walk away from the light to the other side without having to lower the height they are...
  6. petoly

    Still looking for adult hymenopus Coronatus male

    My female just laid a second ooth a couple of days ago. I don't want to give her up because her raptoral arm is mismolted as well as part of her eye, so she's not super pretty to look at but functional. She has been an adult for 3 months. I would really like to mate her. let me know how much you...
  7. petoly

    Suitability of this enclosure

    with the mantis's tendency to want to hang upside down from the top, and because you have sphagnum moss in there, the undertank heater isn't going to do much, however if you keep that moss moist, the under tank heater should provide nice relative humidity. Why not just put a reptile dome lamp on...
  8. petoly

    woke up to this today =)

    probably gonna do both. depending on how many I end up with.
  9. petoly

    need mantisfly help- I GOT EGGS!!

    oh man let me know how it goes! and I so want one =) I wonder how they ship... lol
  10. petoly

    woke up to this today =)

    just Ghosts
  11. petoly

    woke up to this today =)

    got 4 more ooths incubating.
  12. petoly

    a few of my reptiles and amphibians

    Kotomi, its just called a long tail grass lizard. Agent a. No i dont breed them, those guys decided to go at it anyway. yeeah it sucks but oh well lol
  13. petoly

    a few of my reptiles and amphibians

    my beardy pablo acting all crazy pablo being crazy for food this is lucky and dude 6 fire belly toads. the water looks nasty cuz I put a log in there and it changed the color of the water. I removed it since crazy dudes this is my recently hatched baby long tail grass lizard when it...
  14. petoly

    desperately need adult male hymenopus coronatus

    I have a female that needs to get some. She's already laid an infertile ooth. Pm me plz. with your offers I am begging you
  15. petoly

    Betta fish owners ?

    well my previous betta used to go crazy for live ghost shrimp. he would eat adults and babies.
  16. petoly

    If you're gunna use a teleportation device, don't test it on deli cups.

    looks awesome dude. Not that ghosts are cannibalistic, but for the cannibalistic species I Feel like this contraption might reduce that since everyone spaces out and they have their own compartments for smaller groups. instead of a bunch of them in one cup.
  17. petoly

    WTB Adult Ghost mantis.

    looking for another adult male ghost mantis. Ideally a couple of weeks old from last shed. I had one but he died of old age before I could mate him with my second female ghost.
  18. petoly

    If you're gunna use a teleportation device, don't test it on deli cups.

    the one I built is actually really sturdy as base. my mantis this morning was on the other side so apparently she travels =)