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  1. JoeCapricorn

    scared the &%$!@ out of me!

    One time when Chloe got startled by my finger, she lept off onto my desk and rolled onto her back with her legs tucked up and her paws tucked in. I poked her, and she was still, but then she kinda went nuts and basically climbed around my hand fifteen times in a few seconds. x3
  2. JoeCapricorn

    does anybody keep Tarachodula pantherina?

    I think there are other mantises with large heads similar to this species (I think L. minor) They are quite awesome looking.
  3. JoeCapricorn

    Two P. wahlbergii mismolts

    I am thinking about getting more, because they are still quite adorable bundles of joy. I'll wait and see how Satyr and Fawn do, if they survive past next molt, and if that next molt has them recover even a little bit. Of course, it will be quite a chore trying to figure out how to set them up...
  4. JoeCapricorn

    Hunger Strike =(

    One of my mantises is having a hunger strike issue as well. Baphomet, the one that molted and ended up looking like Igor, but is otherwise "perfect", suddenly stopped eating. I've given him water, but he absolutely will not eat. I even tried honey, but all that did was get him a bit angry...
  5. JoeCapricorn

    Two P. wahlbergii mismolts

    I guess it was just an unfortunate coincidence that two of them mismolted the same day in the same way. I wonder what caused this, they basically just got stuck in their old skin, but Fawn was in a humid container as I sprayed him after I noticed Satyr's situation. Both are still alive and able...
  6. JoeCapricorn

    Two P. wahlbergii mismolts

    Is this just something that can happen sometimes? I would really appreciate an answer before Ibex molts, so if there is something I can do to prevent this from happening again, I can act on it.
  7. JoeCapricorn

    Two P. wahlbergii mismolts

    Last night I noticed one of the P. wahlbergii was in the process of molting. Hours later, there seemed to be no change, as if its molting stopped right then and there. Its name would've been Satyr but will for now remain unnamed. I upped the humidity in the other three wahlbergii containers...
  8. JoeCapricorn

    The Miracles of Emerald

    Some are eating already. I am going to try to find small containers for them and keep a few as pets, but let the others go into the wild. A part of me wants me to take all of them in and raise them a bit, releasing them when they are larger and stronger.
  9. JoeCapricorn

    The Miracles of Emerald

    Emerald, a dear mantis and one of my most beloved mantises of all time, who I had in the fall from September to October. She laid two ooths while in her enclosure. One was right on the side and I moved it before it was dried and it exposed a large portion of the interior ooth. The other was a...
  10. JoeCapricorn

    Egg laying Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

    How do I tell if the eggs are fertile? I checked this morning, some were retracted, others were still out. A couple eggs at the very tip are brown and stuff. At first it looked like a white caterpillar with a brown head, but of course closer inspection reveals white rounded cylinder shaped...
  11. JoeCapricorn

    Egg laying Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

    I've always thought Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches are supposed to give birth to live young. What does it mean when instead, there is a strand of eggs (or Ootheca) being laid? Does this mean she is ill, the eggs are infertile, or neither and that the eggs just needed to be expelled because she...
  12. JoeCapricorn

    Browning of tips of wings / Prosthetics?

    Not alive? That doesn't really make any sense. For one, their wings definitely detect touch, when I stroke Angel or Meek's wings, he spreads them. Second, the tip of Angel's right wing was necrotic, it turned brown because it was a dead part of his wing. I think a crease developed that cut off...
  13. JoeCapricorn

    Joe's Mantis Updates

    7 new mantises arrived today! Thank you Peter! 4 Psuedocreobotra wahlbergii, 2 Budwings and an adult female Ghost mantis. First off, photographs never accurately depict how small and precious these mantises are. The Ghost mantis is not even two inches long, she is absolutely adorable! ^_^...
  14. JoeCapricorn (Peter Clausen) (US)

    Once again Peter delivers - all 7 mantises arrived in perfect condition and are now happily exploring their new homes!
  15. JoeCapricorn

    Browning of tips of wings / Prosthetics?

    I trimmed the affected region off. As for the prosthetic, I think it would be better if it were detachable, and it'd just be something he would wear at feeding time. He can use the joint and the black stub moves with the claw, if I can connect a prosthetic to that stub, he would be able to grab...
  16. JoeCapricorn

    Browning of tips of wings / Prosthetics?

    Angel has browning on the tip of his right wing - both wings are all curled and twisted at the end, but the browning is concerning me because it is either is growing or just getting darker. The second part of this topic is about prosthetics. Angel can move the stub of his right claw. If I can...
  17. JoeCapricorn

    Pseuodcreobotra wahlbergii

    I think this is a budwing mantis. Not fully sure, but I've seen other pictures of Parasphendale before as tiny babies and they look the same. I'll share pictures of my buddywings when they arrive on Wednesday (I'm getting two from Peter ^_^ )
  18. JoeCapricorn

    Was this a good idea?

    Yes, I used paper towel for the tops. Not anymore, I got some thin cloths from a dollar store. Angel is able to climb up on them. The rest will be transferred to this for the top and sides in the coming days. In containers that the cloths are themselves too thick to be held by the lid, there is...
  19. JoeCapricorn

    Anyone else have this problem?

    That doesn't explain this occurring just a few days after molting to adulthood though... Hmmm
  20. JoeCapricorn

    Was this a good idea?

    Humidity is not an issue. The containers hold in plenty humidity and I have a layer of paper towel that stays moist that I also change every so often. It's only since Friday that I've started having difficulty with moltings aside from an isolated case of Nereid trying to molt right side up...