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  1. mantisman 230

    Platymeris mombo hachlings

    My African orange spotted assassin bugs have been hatching throughout the past week or so. Love these guys.
  2. mantisman 230

    Blepharopis Mendica Sexing??

    While pictures can be useful, feeding them to the max can also help reveal segments if necessary.
  3. mantisman 230

    Mealworm breeding mix

    I use a combination of brand flakes, corn flakes, and a small amount of instant potatoes. All tossed in the blender for a grainier consistency. So far it seems to work well. What do you guys who culture your own use?
  4. mantisman 230

    Hornworms for california mantis?

    While they are able to be used for food, they aren't very good for smaller species. Larger mantids handle them fine, but they shouldn't be used as a staple. 
  5. mantisman 230

    I have returned xD

    I haven't been on the forums in months, but it seems to be no different than it was before. Collection has shifted a few times since I was last on, sadly the Pnigomantis failed to reproduce. Ghosts are nearing adult to breed again, and many membranacea are around.
  6. mantisman 230

    LAME's Collection Thread.

    Your favorite of the two was the culprit xD. She ate them both.
  7. mantisman 230

    Hierodula membranacea vs Hierodula majuscula

    I've lost count on sheds for most species xD. But it should be eight for males, nine for females.
  8. mantisman 230

    LAME's Collection Thread.

    Nice work so far mate. I'm sad to report that both male Pnigomantis have been eaten by the females. However, one female had been mated.
  9. mantisman 230

    Hierodula membranacea vs Hierodula majuscula

    Behavior is the same as is their appetite. Majuscula does prefer more moisture though.
  10. mantisman 230

    Need mature male Pnigomantis

    Well, my females decided to eat both males. I got one bred, but need another mature male to mate the second female. I can either buy him or do a breeding loan.
  11. mantisman 230

    Hierodula membranacea and Deroplatys dessicata

    I have a couple nymphs available from each species. Varying ages. US only, PM for details.
  12. mantisman 230

    Bugfest 2016!!

    It was a lot of fun. Glad I could help you with the exhibit ?
  13. mantisman 230

    Mantisman 230's collection thread

    I should have spare too.
  14. mantisman 230

    Golden hydei cultures

    I will be making cultures tonight. I have a massive boom of them, and will have extra. PM me if interested. US only.
  15. mantisman 230

    Mantisman 230's collection thread

    I've kept these a few times in the past. Sadly breeding had never been possible for me until now ?
  16. mantisman 230

    L6 male Deroplatys dessicata for sale.

    Have a healthy presub male Deroplatys dessicata available. Can't use him for breeding due to being too far ahead. Great for a first mantis, or if you need him for a female to breed. PM me if interested.
  17. mantisman 230

    Ghost mantis enclosure

    Although a little cramped it can do just fine. Although they probably would appreciate a bit more room.
  18. mantisman 230

    My First Enclosure

    Looks great, although I would feed your mantis in something smaller until it reaches a decent size.
  19. mantisman 230

    Mantisman 230's collection thread

    All four Pnigomantis are adult now, last male molted five days ago.
  20. mantisman 230

    Mantis eating himself

    Possibly an infection of the limb. A mantis will quickly amputate a limb if it is absolutely necessary. 