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  1. Sparky


    Wait you really meant it? :)
  2. Sparky


    You're the best Get out of here haha!
  3. Sparky


    It's my birthday guys where's my free stuff? :clap:
  4. Sparky

    Ant farm

    Ok guys so I misplaced my camera again so deal with these webcam photos ha! Solenopsis invicta had their nuptial flight today after a rain last night and my driveway is crawling with queens. I just plucked most of them off my car. I currently have 8. I caught 19 but I let half of them go...
  5. Sparky

    Ant farm

    I gave it a couple grass seeds and it has laid another clutch of eggs. Awesome Atta's btw!!!
  6. Sparky

    Ant farm

    This hobby can be a real drag sometimes... This is the same queen I posted a month ago. Still the same 4 clutch of eggs. No more, no less. No larvae or anything yet.
  7. Sparky


    I'm guessing this means you found a termite vendor. Care to share? ;)
  8. Sparky

    Ant farm

    The harvester ant in the pic is actually a Messor pergandei. Not M. barbarus, those are European. This queen was found in Texas.
  9. Sparky

    Ant farm

    You make them, there are a lot of guides and tutorials online and on youtube.
  10. Sparky

    Ant farm

    Sorry for the quality, I need to buy new rechargable batteries for my camera as my old ones burned out. Here is a crappy webcam picture of a harvester ant queen with her tiny clutch of eggs between her jaws.
  11. Sparky

    Ant farm

    AHA! It was from you! Just kidding haha. Well I'll be contributing to this thread soon also.
  12. Sparky

    Ant farm

    I'm also wondering where the Harpegnathos came from.
  13. Sparky

    Ant farm

    Thanks Haha no just kidding just kidding :shifty:
  14. Sparky

    Ant farm

    Nice, I might have to buy some setups from China then. The ones here sell from $35-$80 for those simple setup. I had S. invicta fire ant species when I was in TX.. But I had to let them out because I was moving. That place was already infested with fire ants anyways so... Had them in a CD case...
  15. Sparky

    Idolomantis Consolidated

    Ok cool, I'm going to keep them by the book but I also I really want to have a separate tank with a couple of Idolos in it so I can crack down a couple of myths and see if I can't make it a little easier to keep these guys. Roaches have been used to feed many things without usually causing any...
  16. Sparky

    Idolomantis Consolidated

    I just wanted to say that most of these have been successfully kept in screen cages and or anything else that can help Idolo's to the top of the cage. I've kept unicorn mantids before and I'm pretty sure you would agree with me on saying that they usually stick to their little spot at the top of...
  17. Sparky

    Idolomantis Consolidated

    Cool I haven't been here in years and the last time I was on, keeping Idolomantis diabolicas were only a dream now I see some on the classifieds for reasonable prices and a whole thread dedicated on their care. I've kept species of other critters in other hobbies known to be "difficult" that...
  18. Sparky

    My prescription for fruit fly culture

    You sir, ARE A GENIUS! I will have to try this out soon. In the way this economy is going. I'm down to try this out.
  19. Sparky

    I wonder how this is going to turn out...

    I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but... HONEY. 100% pure honey works well as a safe anti-fungal/mold agent.
  20. Sparky

    Don't you just love wasps?

    I used to keep Polistes paper wasps a couple years back. They're really intelligent, they begin to recognize your hand as a food provider and will learn to not attack it. The wasp population in my area is declining though, sucks. Bad for me, good for everyone else.