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  1. I

    Seperation Anxiety

    Or a simple solution in my opinion is to screw up bits of tissue or newspaper and throw them in the bottom, or tear/cut strips of netting and hang them over the side of the hatchery... Statistically if you have 8 strips on the walls and 2 rolled up bits of tissue on the bottom and 100 hatch...
  2. I

    Ian Batten - - (UK)

    Ok, all in all, nice guy, good communication, great packing and delivery- however, HE SENT THE WRONG MANTIDS! I ordered 10 H.grandis and got 10 of something else... they looked like H.grandis to start but something told me they weren't when I saw wing buds after they reached 1.5 inches. :cry...
  3. I

    ever tried eating a mantis?

    Yeah but would you really want your pet insect to be eaten?! I think I speak for many in here when I say that even if I was paid for my collection, I wouldn't sell it if I knew they'd just be torturing them or eating thrm for the sake of entertainment on a TV show! The company or person who...
  4. I


    correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't you be happy?! - If you do your best to make sure that male makes it to maturity- you could mate it 9 times and have the maximum number of ooths :D (lucky male :wink: )
  5. I

    ever tried eating a mantis?

    don't knock stupid people... they make the rest of us look smarter :D
  6. I

    Phasmids =has a list of plants and phasmids that eat them... However, the less common the plant, often the less common the phasmid! What i did yesterday actually was to take a walk in a 20m radius or so from my house and just pick samples of plants...
  7. I

    fruitfly meduim colouring

    I would imagine that most are safe as Rick says... some perhaps moreso than others- carotene (from carrots) - is orange, natural and should be safe... coccineal from 'effectively' ladybirds (ladybugs) is red and also should be... Potentially, if you liquidise grass, you could get the chrophyll...
  8. I

    Which water to use.............

    I use the water that is collected from a dehumidifier and from the tumble dryer - apparently it's distilled (as it's collected from the air)...
  9. I


    want one?! in a few weeks I'll be breeding these guys... then ooths... feel free to reserve some :D
  10. I


    Not sure about mantids, but my experience with drosophila is no. Flies in the lab are specifically bred with their brothers and sisters to maintain a genetic *purity* and I know from experience that mating a brother with his sister and then letting all their offspring mate and mate and mate with...
  11. I


    best i could get with my digital camera - if u wanna see it on webcam, just ask :D and yeah, you're right, it is a male, shoulda known (miscounted segments :oops: ) - so any idea on species
  12. I


    ok, I got 10 mantids ASSUMED to be grandis... but they're not... they're kinda half the size... Here's a pic, the lil lady is about 2.5 inches long, the colour you see there, no distinguishing marks on her abdomen- only a very light brown streak (kinda) down the side - which you can justs ee in...
  13. I

    gongylus and locusts

    Never kept gongys so i have no experience on this so someone that does, maybe you can help... What are the exact symptoms of feeding crix to gongys? - does it affect the lower instars or just the ooth producing female? If just the female, I've been thinking (with reference to what julian said)...
  14. I

    gongylus and locusts

    Key to healthy living as with any animal (let alone, insect) is of course variety! Use a mixture of flies, mealworms, buffalo worms, crix, locusts, waxworms (and the moths) earthworms (small), silkworms...and anything you can find... But yeah, curious here- does anyone have a site for...
  15. I

    Dancing while eating?

    the only dumb thing i can think of is that chances are, in the tank, vivarium, pot... whatever... chances are there is no wind! Similarly in a rainforest- the air is *stationary*... so although i agree with the theory completely, this seems to be an inconsistancy. my theory... miniature ipods...
  16. I

    drosophila melanogaster

    yeah, forget what site it's from, i think lifefoodsdirect... the flightless are the melanogaster- i recognise them from the lab, think i should have said, if you can find the wingless on that site (often out of stock) they're a little smaller than melanogaster. All in all both good sites but...
  17. I

    drosophila melanogaster

    livefoodsdirect have them but they're not obvious on the site- type flies in the search thingy... also have them. I have a culture from a month ago still going - living off just mashed potato and cornmeal! :D still fresh, still producing :)
  18. I

    Mantis and black widow

    ...and in terms of eating it virtually all toxins in the sting of a scorpion and the bite of a spider are enzymes and protein containing. If it ate those toxins, those proteins should just get broken down in its gut like muscle or anything else would. Only proteins i know of that would cause...
  19. I


    how about letting the mantids go free range for a while?! :)
  20. I


    wow, quite a collection... kinda surprised you don't have a T.blondi in amongst all that lot but hey, you have a baboon so it comes pretty close :)