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  1. O

    FS: ocellata and L. minor

    sorry to hear it man! :( Are you giving cps up too? Where are you moving to?
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    Phelsuma grandis

    gorgeous geckos man! do you have pics of the parents? i love the stunning green! It's amazing!
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    Orthoderella ornata

    whoa that thing is weird! it appears to have one solid eye, without that "pupil" most other mantids have. I think i like it but im not sure! :D
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    extatosoma tiaratum

    Lol i can see it now "Nepenthes and Phasmids"! time to call in the big guns...or maybe N. rajah! just bring the whole family along! And the cousins too!
  5. O

    Rhombodera sp. and/or Taracodes sp. Adult Male Wanted

    Hey all! Well, my female rhombodera just shed into a massive adult! I was amazed how big she was. But, unofrtunently, she's the only one who survived out of 4 from yen way back when. I would love to breed this species, but have no male. Please PM so we can work something out if you have one...
  6. O

    I'm obliged to show you how bored I am

    Sparky hahaha i was just kidding! hahaha it looks good! i know about as much art as i do about quantum physics. Probably less actually. umm, whose the can/soda? Haha but i cool with that!
  7. O

    extatosoma tiaratum

    haha BRING IT ON! :angry: :) I'll get a Nepenthes hamata on yo az! :D Or a N. bicalcarata ! Or even better, a N. merrilliana!
  8. O

    I'm obliged to show you how bored I am

    10 minutes you say? pssshh. More like 2. Your lines are very inconsistent. Shading is all wrong. And my god the details are horrendus. But other than that very good! :P :lol: ;)
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    Bolbena hottentotta the smallest species in captivity

    Congrats AB! I would love to keep them, but im WAY too irresponsible. While doing whatever at my desk, i'll let a mantid or two out for a stroll. Usually i forget about them though lol. I nearly lost a sub-adult rhombodera on a wood floor today! Doh! Those mini's are looking good though! Maybe...
  10. O

    Pseudocreobotra ocellata

    great looking ocellata! ;) Are you letting them (the VFT lol) flower on purpose? seed? As im sure your aware, it tends tyo make them look like ###### for a while, but they come back. anyway, good job!
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    Wanted: Adult Male Tarachodes sp.

    i'll let her know! Thanks man! ...but if anyone has some older guys im still open!
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    Wanted: Adult Male Tarachodes sp.

    Hey all! Much to my suprise, i have an adult female tarachodes on my hands. My other one is two sheds behind and im quite sure it is a female too. SOOO...i need a male tarachodes sp. male! :) Thank you! Frankie
  13. O

    I need a Subadult Male Rhombodera sp.!

    Hey all, After MY male subadult died for some strange reason, so i need one now! :D After they shed and mature and all that, the ooths will be split 50/50... Thanks so much! Frankie
  14. O

    Hey Everybody!

    Hey man good to see ya here too! Isn't there a certain store your forgetting to mention...?
  15. O

    Choeradodis stalii - Peruvian Shield Mantis

    No way! I've always loved this species since i first saw it way back when i first got into the hobby! Cool! I cant wait until they become more mainstream! PLease keep me on your mind if/when they reproduce! :D Gorgeous sheilds at L3 too! They are like steroid-injected rhombodera's! Yes, what...
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    Feeding mantis to mantis's

    i freeze 'n feed. To my plants. :lol:
  17. O

    Male ghost for breeding loan

    Nooooo! Damn the Atlantic Ocean!
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    Male ghost for breeding loan

    still in need of another male! :) <_<
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    Male ghost for breeding loan

    Hi all! Im in desperate need of a male or three for my ghost females. All ooths will be split 50/50. Let me know! Frankie
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    my snails

    eeeeewwwww...they're interesting enough...but i cant really warm up to them! :) Looks like your keeping them nice and healthy though!