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  1. RevWillie

    Golden Ghost

    Pretty Golden Girl! :)
  2. RevWillie

    Part of my Collection .

    Love the photos of your L3 PW!
  3. RevWillie

    Adult Idolo!

    Excellent work!!! :clap:
  4. RevWillie

    First Wallie

    Any idea if it's a boy or a girl?
  5. RevWillie

    First Wallie

    Thanks for the help - I thought it might be L4 but wasn't sure, it has shed twice since I got it.
  6. RevWillie

    Hungry girl

    "Very cute. None of my bipapilla are that big yet." In all fairness, it wasn't that big of a superworm, maybe half-grown. What amazes me is that she once ate a decapitated superworm that was fully 1/3 her size, got big and fat, and looked skinny the next morning. Head to rear she is about...
  7. RevWillie

    Happy Birthday Yen!!

    Have a GREAT Birthday Yen!
  8. RevWillie

    Hungry girl

    My Hiero. bipapilla munching a superworm yesterday:
  9. RevWillie

    First Wallie

    I have my first P. wahlbergii - and I really want more! (hint hint) I think it is around L3 and with my lousy vision lately I thought it was mostly black/dark with a little white. Imagine my surprise when I took pictures yesterday!
  10. RevWillie

    My Ghost

    Looks like a boy to me! There is a good chance that he will re-grow part, or all, of the missing leg before adulthood.
  11. RevWillie

    NEW SPECIES! Sphodropoda quinquedens

    Awesome new species and spectacular photography (as always)!
  12. RevWillie

    Aluine - Sphodromantis lineola

    Very pretty mantis, well photographed! I know the crickets are not your favorite thing, but if you can feed the crickets good food (fruits, vegetables) for a couple of days before feeding them to your mantis, they are better food for your mantis.
  13. RevWillie

    parymenopus male final molt

    Nothing to worry about - those pics came out great! Do you have a female or 2 to keep your male company?
  14. RevWillie

    My devil baby

    Great pics!
  15. RevWillie

    Wanted - Mantis lovers in Florida

    Hi Tamarin - I've been raising 3 species - Orchids, Ghosts, and Creos - and I am seeing my original mantises through breeding and old age. I did my 'special offer' and now I am down to my remaining 5 'originals'.
  16. RevWillie

    Wanted - Mantis lovers in Florida

    Special offer accepted - thank you A! :)
  17. RevWillie

    Wanted - Mantis lovers in Florida

    Hi - I have a special offer for other Floridians only, please write/message me for details. Bill
  18. RevWillie

    Ghost egg laying problems

    I put her in the freezer last night. Although generally she seemed OK, the ruptured side had leaked some more and she wasn't going to recover. Her sisters are eating and drinking and getting ready to lay more eggs.
  19. RevWillie

    She ATE him!! How rude!!

    I've only lost 1 male in about 2 dozen matings: I raised 3 Orchids from L2 to adult and ended up with 2 males and a HUGE female. The males matured first and I kept them 5+ degrees cooler and only fed them 1 BB twice a week (and lots of water). The female finally matured about 5 weeks later, I...
  20. RevWillie

    Ghost egg laying problems

    Ruaumoko - these are really tiny little green smears, nothing close to even the thickness/diameter of a normal ooth. I'd be amazed if there was an egg in there and if there was, it would probably suffocate in the solid 'putty'. She's still walking around acting normal, I haven't 'euth'd' her yet.