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  1. Endorlado

    Endorlado Mantis World

    Hello from Poland 👋🏽 Would like to introduce You Sibyllopsis sp , from East Africa. Smaller, but much more attractive colored cousin of sibylla pretiosa. Pm me if You interested with some nymphs 🙌🏽 Soon much more news! 😁
  2. Endorlado

    (FS) Stenophylla, Sibyllopsis , Parablepharis and others

    Hello from Poland, Europe 👋🏽 Availability: Nymphs: Sibyllopsis sp L2-L3 Stenophylla lobivertex L1/L2 Parablepharis kuhlii L1/L2 Hymenopus coronatus L4-sub: females, pairs Miomantis caffra sub/adult pairs OOTHS (shipping worldwide): Parablepharis kuhlii asiatica : 120$-200$ Miomantis Caffra...
  3. Endorlado

    Parablepharis KUHLII OOTHS available

    SiTH Lord Mantis / Darth Vader mantis 3 Ooths available 200€/ ooth, 450€/3 ooths Shipping worldwide! Dont miss a chance to hatch this spectacular species 😎🔥
  4. Endorlado

    Available Malay Orchids OOTHS

    Malay orchids Ooths available! 130$/1 ooth, 600$/5 ooths , 1000$/10 ooths
  5. Endorlado

    OOTHS (FS) Parablepharis kuhlii asiatica

    Fresh Ooths from fertilized females available!
  6. Endorlado


    USA and UK: Ooths available: Pseudoharpax virescens - 90$/each, 12x ooths : 680$, 5x ooths: 350$ Citharomantis falcata : 250$ Panurgica fratercula: 150$ Huge Malayasian orchids ooths - 250$ P. ILLUDENS - 85$/1 , 150$/2 ooths Dragon mantis - 570$ Brancsikia freyi - 400$ SHIPPING costs...
  7. Endorlado

    (FS) Ooths

    Pm for prices 😊
  8. Endorlado

    Ooths available -many species!

    Best prices in sets of ooths - PM for details :)
  9. Endorlado

    (FS) OOTHS - BRANCSIKIA and others

    Have some Ooths to offer: Bulk possible Prohierodula ornatipennis - 95€ Pseudempusa PINNAPAVONIS - 80€/one , 319€/ 5 Ooths Theopropus elegans - 69€/one , 259€/5 ooths Chlidonoptera lestoni - 89€ Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii - 89€ Malayasian Orchid - 129€ Metilia adusta - 110€...
  10. Endorlado

    (SALE!) OOTHS 49€ BULK

    Many Ooths available in bulk!  1450€/30 ooths (48 €/ooth!) If You want smaller amount - let me know! greetings 
  11. Endorlado


    Acromantis - 55€ Otomantis - 60€  (250€/5 ooths) Theopropus elegans - 85€  (300€/5 ooths) Pseudempusa pinnapavonis - 90€ Malayasian Orchid - 129€ BRANCSIKIA freyi - 225 €  rare!: BLUE mantis / Prohierodula ornatipennis- Epaphrodita musarum Chloroharpax modesta    Guaranteed fertility...
  12. Endorlado

    (FS) ooths Epaphrodita, Brancsikia , Theopropus and others

    Mating season here just got started ! Epaphrodita musarum Brancsikia freyi Theopropus elegans Acromantis sp Otomantis sp Kenya Panurgica fratercula  soon much more available! (Orchids, Helvia Cardinalis, D. trigonodera and truncata, P. Illudens, Chloroharpax modesta, Chldionoptera...
  13. Endorlado

    (FS) OOTHS

    Ooths for sale: Deroplatys, Heterochaeta, Panurgica, Orchids, Sybilla, BRANCSIKIA and more soon!    Bulk possible!   
  14. Endorlado

    (FS) Ooths + mantises

    Ooths: Gongylus gongylodes, Sybilla sp, Acanthops erosula, BRANCSIKIA freyi, Orchids, Yellow Orchids, Deroplatys lobata, truncata, trigonodera  Mantises (Europe only) BRANCSIKIA, pseudocreobotra, Chlidonoptera, helvia, parablepharis, Pseudempusa, Tamolanica, Heterochaeta, Idolomantis...
  15. Endorlado

    (FS) OOTHS BRANCSIKIA and others

    hello, (FS) Brancsikia freyi ooths available  + others , ask for availability:) Shipping whole world greetings 
  16. Endorlado

    OOTHS for sale

    Ooths: Chlidonoptera lestoni - 130€/One, 5 Ooths = 550€ deroatys desiccata - 80€/one , 5 Ooths 300€ sybilla petriosa - 120€/ one , 3 Ooths =330€ prohierodula ornatipennis - 125€    And more... sending Ooths worldwide! instagram: @endorlado_mantis_world
  17. Endorlado

    (FS - nymphs) Idolomantis, BRANCSIKIA, parablepharis

    Europe: Prohierodula ornatipennis pairs L4 - 25€ Idolomantis diabolica - 5x - 60€ Psuedmpusa PINNAPAVONIS L4/L5 - pair 25€ Hierodula bipapila - 4,5€   Acanthops erosula L2/L3 - 5x - 32€ Parablepharis KUHLII L2/L3 - 15€ soon: Brancsiki freyi L2 - 10x - 150€
  18. Endorlado

    (FS) OOTHS

    Chlidonoptera lestoni  Brancsikia freyi  Deroplatys desiciata, lobata, truncata, trigonodera  orchid parablepharis  Pseudempusa  theropropus elegans  acanthops erosula  Omomantis zebrata  and more  pm 
  19. Endorlado

    (USA) Gonatista grisea

    USA For sale group of 12 gonatista grisea nymphs. pm
  20. Endorlado

    (FS) Brancsikia, Sybilla, Otomantis,

    Have: sybilla sp, otomantis sp , Brancsikia ooths FS - limited edition, This time: Europe only