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  1. N

    some outdoor pics of my snakes :)

    I am not a big fan Of big snakes nether , these don't get big only 5 feet max
  2. N

    some time laps

    here is some time laps i have done just dabbing with it and sofar i like :) this was done at turtle pond this is my fish tank
  3. N

    some outdoor pics of my snakes :)

    they do try to move away but they are so slow and don't get very far. as for the mite thing they don't get mites from the grass. and if they did get mites from the park they don't last to long i prevent-a-mite all there tubs.
  4. N

    some outdoor pics of my snakes :)

    socks inch M & M
  5. N

    my other guys (ball python pics)

    ya i do, some of them rather i left them alone, but the albino love to come out and play every chance she gets.
  6. N

    my other guys (ball python pics)

    ya they are not cheap to feed lol i spent about 140 bucks this month to feed everyone lol, and here is my new one :D a lesser platty
  7. N

    my baby ball pythons pics

    yup thats a sable :D
  8. N

    my baby ball pythons pics

    they are from my sable male paired with a normal female :D
  9. N

    Cool little page I found

    DUDE!! :lol:
  10. N

    Finally Looking into Mantis Keeping

    welcome to the forum
  11. N

    Hi from Portland, OR

    Welcome to the forum :D
  12. N

    Belly dancers at NARBC

    wow :lol:
  13. N

    WTB:Dynastes tityus

    i am looking for a few Dynastes tityus pairs or a few larva if anyone has them let me know thanks :D also looking for any native flower beetles. must be in the usa.
  14. N

    Hello :o)

    welcome to the forum :D nice pics
  15. N

    Miomantis sp.

    i thought about it does it matter if they are on milk weed?
  16. N

    Miomantis sp.

    they are D.hydei i need to get some mels, i also have flower beetles but they are to hard to eat.