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  1. N

    Texas Unicorn - Phyllovates chlorophaea

    loven the pics
  2. N

    first pic

    sweet pic
  3. N

    WANTED: Adult Chinese Male

    i have one that is WC if you like i can send it to you, i have been looking for a female with no luck so he is your if you like
  4. N

    hissing roaches for sale

    i have a bunch of hissing roaches for sale if interested PM me they are $2 ea for any sizes nickyp0
  5. N

    looking for walking sticks/ walking leafs,...etc....

    I am looking for any walking stick insects Peruphasma schultei, etc... if you have any Please let me know thanks. also looking for hissing roaches ...etc........
  6. N

    lunar eclipse tonight!!

    nice pics rick, I tried to take some pics of it myself, but my camra died :( now i have to wait untill 2010 for the next one
  7. N

    lunar eclipse tonight!!

    the eclipse is just starting now at 8:46pm I can't wait to see it in full :D
  8. N

    WANTED: looking for some mantids

    hi I am looking to start my collection back up. and looking for some nice mantids to start with. if you have any for sale and are in the usa then PM me :) thanks nickyp0
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    bud wing mantis question??????

    o.k. i can't seem to find a cam so i found something els i found an old post here it is the post that jenn made with the second pic is what my bud looks like now.
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    bud wing mantis question??????

    as soon as i can get a new camra i will post a pic my old one died.
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    bud wing mantis question??????

    o.k. i have bought some bud wings from ****** sometime last year I have had them for about a year and a half and they are still sub adults. i thought that mantids live for a year some more i know but bud wings??? maybe theres something i am missing? i feed them everyday. and they have molted 6...
  12. N

    looking for any mantids

    I am looking for any mantids looking for 20 of them if you have some at a good price and in the usa. then let me know :) sorry i can't do paypal. nickyp0
  13. N

    houduram milksnake

    the male is really sweet they don't bite hard. a mantis bite hurts more IMO.
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    houduram milksnake

    here is my hypo houduram milksnake just showing him off :D
  15. N

    Spider fighting in the Philippines

    fighting anything is wrong dog fights etc. starving an insect just to see it fight for food is wrong :evil:
  16. N

    milksnakes :wanted:

    i am looking for black milksnakes and any other milksnakes if you have any for sale let me know. nick
  17. N

    WTB centipeds,moths/butterflies, anoles

    i am looking for some centipeds, moths/butterflies and some anoles. if you have any let me know thanks :) , nickyp0
  18. N

    african green snake????????

    here she is with her mouth open and yes thats how black it is in her mouth.
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    african green snake????????

    it is nether rough or smooth green snake, they get between 12 and 22 inches long this is 4 feet long and S/R don't have a black mouth (inside). i will try to take a pic of the inside of the mouth.