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  1. I

    Just ordered: 2 sets of crix, locusts, fruitflies, curly flies and buffalo worms from this guy - great packing, speedy delivery and everything came in top class condition and numbers :D (ordered fruit beetle grubs too but they were out of stock) Advantages: -Cheaper than livefoodsdirect...
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    Ian Batten - - (UK)

    Just bought some Hierodula Grandis from Ian- all arrived in perfect condition and literally before I even had time to close down the site from which i ordered them! :) yay ian! :D
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    maggots/ larvae uk

    Anyone know a good website in the uk for maggots and various types of fishing bait etc? - just so I can get various sizes of maggots (which conveniently pupate into flies which i can use too!). is a good site but I don't like the idea of faxing my...
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    Wax moth egg hatching times !

    if it's in an airing cupboard then don't worry... towels and stuff usually have a bit of moisture in them anyway... they should be fine. If in doubt, leave a glass of water in there but you shouldn't need it - it's where i stick my ooths to hatch and they seem fine :)
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    What is the best food for pregnant female to give?

    they're all wrong :D no single prey item is good... a varied diet is the best. gut-loaded crickets for bulk and protein, perhaps a waxworm or two for fat and maybe the occasional housefly or butterfly for variety. Also make sure there is water around or given to it to drink occasionally...
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    mantids vs. arachnids

    could be wrong here but i've seen no real difference in how a mantis tackles a spider... it could be a *I'm bigger than you, haha you can't hurt me* kinda fearlessness but yeah i've had experiences where the mantis hasn't won and has dropped the spider. However i think ants are its biggest fear-...
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    mating Ts

    Just mated one... with fangs the size of hers, no wonder he got out there quickly! :shock:
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    usambara tarantula sexing

    ur gonna hear this a lot... T's are more for the experience of keeping them rather than a show-piece. T's aren't really there for the holding - although the gentle species like smithi, rosea, vagans, aboliposum etc don't mind it. Open the lid, refill the water bowl, remove/ add prey items should...
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    New Emperor Scorpion

    yeah, i would say that's a preggy scorpion :) 3 bits of advice :) - Keep her ALONE - other adults of juvs will eat the babies. - keep her well fed - if you don't, she'll eat them herself - and perhaps the hardest one... once she is in her enclosure, ensure that there is a lid on it with...
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    mating Ts

    Ok, I've just got my male through the post and TWO!!!, yes TWO!!! eager and waiting female chile rose Ts. Only problem is that this is my first mating... I've read up loads about how to do it, but any last tips???... I'll try and take pics of the process but yeah, wish me luck!!! p.s. in a...
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    Tailless whip scorpion and backwidows of Virgin Gorda

    not to mention a group of people comign round to your house to inspect your equipment to see if it's all safe and secure... plus a request to the council... plus loads of other stuff which i won't go into. Shame- I had a great deal with some scorps but they were buthids :( (DWA)
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    How long to finish a mating?

    Think i speak for every english person here when i say *don't you just hate it when people say 'i found 12 mantises in my back yard'*! (it's more a jealousy thing- we don't get them here...) :( Amazing pics though!!!
  13. I

    Can I use this icecream box to hatch an ooth?

    whoah... overkill! I agree with ian, it looks fine but wow, it's like a mini vivarium complete with ecosystem :shock:
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    pitcher plant care

    yeah, if they're in a flowerpot, make sure there are holes in the bottom... then put it in a tray- maybe an inch or two deep and fill THAT up with water... don't let the tray go dry - and the substrate will absorb as much as it needs to
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    Following up ellroy's topic... anyone kept these?! I've found some reasonably cheap ones but I know they're virtually impossible to sex... Any advice, suggestions, tips etc..?
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    How old is everyone here? etc etc

    oh i can beat that- a big portion of the work i was doing was gluing the polystyrene bases to the boxes they pinned the bugs in... Mainly in the lepidoptera section but got to see the coleoptera etc too - THAT section took up several floors whereas the lepidoptera, mantodea etc took up just one...
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    Louis Pierre????????

    what is it with people called louis etc... Haven't heard of him but pretty sure he meant mm instead of cm - no nymph is that size - especially flower mantids - in fact, few adults are that size for any species! Best advice is to ask that L stage they're at- then that will confirm. Obviously an...
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    Happy Birthday Ian

    awww, he beat me to it... HAPPY BIRTHDAY IAN!!! :D
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    When you pay for something and the good never show...

    Honestly, that's what these forums are for... I personally could recommend many people- as I'm sure many of the people in here could... But as a general rule, the more positive feedbacks the person has, the better. Obviously people are going to make mistakes- might forget to post the order, pack...
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    Fly pupae

    Gonna be a real pain here and ask are there any flies in between the size of hedei and m.domestica?! - something around say 5mm... cos melanogaster are about 2-3, hedei are about 3-4 and domestica are about 7-8... anything around the 5-6 mark?! And don't say crix!- I hate crix! :P