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  1. lunarstorm

    Some pics

    Awesome! Since you've uploaded your pics to photobucket, if you want them to appear in your post (instead of links), try this. [CODE] The key is to insert this exact text before the link: Here's how an actual example will look to you as you write your postt:
  2. lunarstorm

    Why are mantids so infatuated with grasping my camera?

    Yeah, my mantids always reach out for the camera too, I think it's cute. When i let my mantids out to run around, they almost always climb and reach out for anything they can use as a ladder. I suspect they'd do that for just about any object which offers a vertical route (that doesn't look...
  3. lunarstorm

    Hi all

    Welcome from Seattle, Jo!
  4. lunarstorm

    rough final molt

    Congrats on Arachne reaching adulthood! At this point there's nothing you can do to improve his wings, but even if they're not picture perfect, they're his. He lived long enough and earned 'em. Don't attempt to force or straighten anything, you would only risk hurting him. But again...
  5. lunarstorm

    Genetic scientists create freakish monster ants with huge heads & jaws

    Awesome! That's wild, thanks for mentioning this.
  6. lunarstorm

    just a test...trying to post pics

    Cute ghost shot, she posed for you!
  7. lunarstorm

    Adult male wide-arm

    Grats and nice pics! But say wha?! 90+ days in the sub-adult phase? Wow, that's longer than I would have expected.
  8. lunarstorm

    Need an Oxyopsis sexpert

    +1 My mated Oxy laid her first ooth a couple of nights ago. Super excited to see the L1s, we'll see what the demand for Oxys are as we start seeing nymphs flooding the US culture again this spring.
  9. lunarstorm

    A History of (my) Mantises. *new member*

    Welcome! I dig your post, great pics and descriptions.
  10. lunarstorm

    Pink Katydid

    Nice, grats Yen! Is that romaine that it's standing on? :)
  11. lunarstorm

    Know any tricks to get a mantis to eat?

    Another thought: how does she respond to water? Not just misting, but if you pour a small amount of water into your palm or offer her a wet sponge? My thinking is that if she's not eating, ensuring she's drinking water might give her some time to gather her strength and find her appetite...
  12. lunarstorm

    Know any tricks to get a mantis to eat?

    Smash a fly or the guts of a cricket into a pulp, place it on the end of a toothpick and gently place it against her mandibles. If she refuses that, I suspect her time is very limited. :(
  13. lunarstorm

    Painted Lady

    Nice pic Meagan. Hrm, I wonder how tricky it will be to get some butterflies or moths this spring...
  14. lunarstorm

    trouble connecting to the forum

    Well, it's working for you now if you're posting! Next time the site doesn't come up for you, if it persists for more than 5-10 minutes write down the error and let me know. I will try to confirm if it's just the usual weird brief outage or if it's something else.
  15. lunarstorm

    trouble connecting to the forum

    Yes, intermittent problems happen on this site sometimes. Excluding the outage when the site was being moved to a different host, issues have always been very brief. So if it doesn't work for you, just try again in a few minutes.
  16. lunarstorm

    Gongylus Gongyloides Ootheca First time set up

    Wouldn't a glue gun jeopardize the nymphs? Even a low heat gun could be too hot, and if glue is placed on the wrong spot you will trap the nymphs inside.
  17. lunarstorm

    Hello everyone

    Welcome from Seattle! In the "General Mantis" discussion section of these forums, you'll find a thread by Peter discussing general care: http://mantidforum.n...showtopic=20114 From there, your best bet is to probably use the forum's search function to find what you seek (e.g. "species master...
  18. lunarstorm

    Oxyothespis dumonti fresh nymphs! (North African Grass Mantis)

    Awesome, glad you didn't have duds! I especially liked the size reference shot, amazing that one *did* eat a d. mel.!
  19. lunarstorm

    New guy from Austria

    Welcome! Glad to see someone else that appreciates Oxys. :)
  20. lunarstorm

    New from Los Angeles

    Welcome from the Seattle area!