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  1. J

    super high humidity

    is there a way of having both good ventilation and high humidity by having strategically placed holes?
  2. J

    Camouflage Analysis Of The “African Leaf Mantis” Phyllocrani

    great info! i was wondering does anyone know where the simple eyes on Phyllocrania paradoxa are? i've taken some macro shots of their heads but i cant see any sign of extra eyes -
  3. J

    Orb weaver laying eggsac

    cool looking spider. is that being measured there in inches :shock:
  4. J

    Variation in Mantid Color

    i heard that Pseudocreobotra changes colour sometimes by visual cues. with mantids colour variations can be because of temperature, lighting, humidity, sex, genetics, visual cues, age, i'm sure the list goes on... obviously there'll only be set shades and colours each species is able to go to...
  5. J

    Borneo bound!

    have a good un !
  6. J


    all of the ones above are treehoppers, which usually live in rainforests. the common ones we see are leafhoppers, i dont think theyre as closely related as it would seem. i've fed a mantis a leafhopper
  7. J

    super high humidity

    i did that ^ for my blephs ( cos i didnt want to spray them ). i thought just a little bit of humidity might be good for them even though they like dry conditions.
  8. J


    my P. whalbergii's sub-adult at mo, i've never seen one adult before, it might become my favourite i dont know. Theopropus elegans actually diving for food?! that's be amazing, i gotta see that
  9. J

    Hymenopus COronatus

    i'm attempting to do that at the moment ^. they stay on for week?! wow, i thought it would just be a few hours
  10. J


    i've kept 8 species, and of them my favourite has been the orchids, for lots of reasons. their look and colour and markings, their ninja poses and dances, their calculated jumps from one of my hands to the other, the way they parachute down from a height (only seen once), and they always...
  11. J

    Different morphs, same species?!

    hm , looking at pics -stagmomantis might be what i've got
  12. J

    Different morphs, same species?!

    one of them looks a bit like my miomantis,the one with stubby wings and a short head. i dunno
  13. J

    super high humidity

    does you pet dog need to have super high humidity? :wink: click Profile at the top. the pics width can be no greater than 80 pixels, and the height no greater than 80 pixels, and the file size no more than 6 KB :roll: :D
  14. J

    Do you name your mantids?

    dumpy is an orchid, it's called that because when i first got it it jumped like crazy everywhere doing somersaults and alsorts. but with us jumpy would be said as dumpy - because we talk like idiots... winky is a wahlberghi, which i guess is fitting because of the eyespots (winks) . i think it...
  15. J

    Do you name your mantids?

    giraffe, little man, tiny man, dumpy, little dumpy, winky, ghosty. these are more to do with my girlfriend. if i was by myself i either wouldnt name them - or i'd give em serious names of like gods n stuff
  16. J

    Recieved mantids today, having trouble getting them to eat

    hi, i recommend using some kind of netting for the top of the deli cup ( if you havent already). i've found womens tights work great ( because when pulled tight enough theyre transparent). they might moult in a few days, so make sure they have 3 times their own height to hang down from. i...
  17. J

    Pics of Wuwu's creatures

    i've found a lot of my best pics could have been loads better with a quieter background, i'll have to set up something similar to this in future ;)
  18. J

    Non-hungry mantid, getting worried...

    my mantids dont like stink bugs, i think their natural stinky defence works well on them :wink: . the same goes for ladybirds. i'm not sure what an open air terrarium look sliek but is it possible to turn it on it's side maybe? as oen way to increase humidity would be to stop it escaping (...
  19. J

    Is Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii

    in my opinion, all of the mantids bred regularly seem quite easy. if you've got your head screwed on they shouldnt be a problem
  20. J

    videos of your mantids

    my Wahlbergii doing a dance - and another of mine. i think this is some kind of miomantis, any ideas what species anyone? -