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  1. J

    super high humidity

    at different temperatures the humidity will be different even when there is the same amount of water in the air. warmer temperatures can hold more water in the air so the percentage will be different
  2. J

    how do you pick up yours??

    i've noticed that if they see they can climb to a higher point that they often do if disturbed. so it's worth trying to dangle something just above them for it to climb onto. alternatively, i've found that if you lightly touch their abdomen they'll walk forward ( so can be gently maneuvered...
  3. J

    videos of your mantids

    a new one of mine - wait til about 25 seconds in. people that are viewing it on youtube wont expect what follows...
  4. J

    Mantis Photo Gallery - everyone contribute!

    maybe it should just be ongoing , but with a leaderboard that's occasionally updated
  5. J

    identify (one with devil horns)

    yeah me too i'm off bye. gone forever. the guy emailed me back saying he only has those two photos. oh well. rough drawing of it:
  6. J

    identify (one with devil horns)

    i'll mail him, see what he says...
  7. J

    "hairiest caterpillar"

    there's a vid of another weird one here :
  8. J

    Ultimate mantis enclosure?

    i've got 6 different types of enclosure i've made, all kept inside one vivarium. i've experimented a lot and my favourite one to use is one of these containers turned on it's smallest side (and without the lid): then put the whole thing inside one leg of some tights. pull them tight so the...
  9. J

    identify (one with devil horns)

    there's an email address at the bottom of his page. i was going to email him but then i thought you might have done that already christian. there's just those two pics on google, none actually showing on his site that i can see (but they're saved on his domain). none from above but maybe he has...
  10. J

    identify (one with devil horns)

    i found this on Google Images by typing 'black mantid', i think the pics belong to ( though i cant find them on the site ). anyone know what species it is, or anything about it? :,%2...0©%202006.jpg...
  11. J

    Dylan Dobell (NEGATIVE)

    yeh, you're just doing what he told you. maybe prove it to him with a webcam, or send it back ?
  12. J


    i've been wondering about this, i get a lot of them in my garden and would like to feed them to my mantids. i'm cautious about it because i often see them on poo :) i've fed them to my nymphs anyway and they've been fine. dunno about newly hatched ones tho, maybe try catching one first...
  13. J

    "hairiest caterpillar"

    the moths legs are just as hairy :D
  14. J

    "hairiest caterpillar"

    perhaps on the underside it has it's real legs and the protrusions on the side just move cos of the movement of the body, if you look at the ones on it's top they move like legs too. it looks ace! how many legs a caterpillar has - another...
  15. J

    Those annoying school/work filters...

    how old are you again ian, yur still at school? :o yur gonna be a millionaire with yur business head :lol:
  16. J

    H.parviceps acting weird very concerned

    is it your first mantis? i was worried about the littlest things when i got my first one, i think everybody's like that. and their behaviour can be hard to understand at first, they sometimes just dont want to move no matter what :)
  17. J

    H.parviceps acting weird very concerned

    hanging upside down, being limp and unresponsive to stimuli would indicate it was beginning to moult. has it been trapped in it's old skin or did it actually moult?
  18. J

    Suitable for nymphs?

    you can keep them in almost anything! keep a look out for clear containers - and you'll find you'll keep upgrading it's home :)
  19. J

    whose against air travel here?

    i'm totally with nympho on this one. air travel is a bad polluter yeah, but to put it in perspective these computers we're using now use a lot of electricity and that electricity often comes from fossil fuels. almost anything we do somehow contributes to the problem. some people not taking...
  20. J

    videos of your mantids

    i use a Samsung Digimax A6, the real vids picture has perfect clarity but when you upload to youtube it loses so much quality. i might try photobucket instead. on that vid you could zoom in on the orchids head and not lose quality, i just dont have any video editing software to do that yet. i...