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  1. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    @mantisfan101 Yes, I do plan on pairing them once they are sexually mature. Hopefully to get more of these beauties in the hobby.  @hysteresis We will figure something out if I am lucky enough to hatch some :)  
  2. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    @hysteresis @MantisGirl13 Someone posted this pic on a FB group and it helped me a lot in sexing my Orchids at L3, if you have a magnifying glass or a macro lenses you can see the V notch in females if its hard for you to count the segments:
  3. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    Congrats on the Molt! Yen is awesome. I am getting some R.Stalli from him next week :) . I hope the new Bleph do better for you. I remember there is two different variants of Bleph in the hobby, one from the Northern Part and one from the southern Part. The northern variety I think can deal...
  4. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    Sorry about the mismolt :(  man these guys are hard to get to adult
  5. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    Amazing colors on that Orchid!
  6. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    Update: Success! I finally saw a connection, it took all night but the male finally got it together and connected. Thank you @MantisGirl13 for the tip! I kept blowing gently at the male to motivate him to connect. They only stay like this for about 30mins though is that long enough? He...
  7. Charoozz520

    Ho can I efficiently feed Blue Bottle Flies to my mantis?

    @Little Mantis here you go! Sorry the picture isn't too clear, I put too many pupae in this one and its mostly just flies now. I use a dollar store turkey baster to wet the sugar paper towel whenever it gets a bit dry (of course put the container in the fridge first so you don't get a swarm of...
  8. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    @River Dane yes! Before I left for work in the morning I saw the female molting out so I ask my Roommate to send me a picture, he sends me a picture of the male and I was like that's the other one!!  :lol: . So far the female seems to be doing okay, having a little bit of trouble climbing but...
  9. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    Well I don't know how my spiny breeding is going to be...the male has been on the female for over 24 hours and he dismounted this morning. I did not see a connection so I cannot be sure it ever happened. An update on my Parablepharis, they both molted to adult on the same day! Sadly the female...
  10. Charoozz520

    Hard to acquire species.

    Excuse me @Synapze did you just call me Demonic?  :devil: :D
  11. Charoozz520

    Hard to acquire species.

    I was just telling @MantisGirl13 Parablepharis kuhlii , I have a just mature pair that I hope I can mate successfully
  12. Charoozz520

    SUCCESS #2!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats!! See now I can ask you for tips  :lol:
  13. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    She's been for the most part receptive of him, but my male spiny is a scaredy cat 
  14. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    @hysteresis I have been putting him in a nice cozy sauna for the past week. Jk, but yes I have raised the temp up for him to 85-90 during the day. Maybe he is just taking his time to hit sexual maturity
  15. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    The female spiny was getting restless last night so I added in a bunch of sticks, and was rewarded to her laying this morning. It's not fertile but still very exciting for me to see her lay her first ooth :)   I am going to give her a few days to recover, eat and hydrate and hope to make a...
  16. Charoozz520

    Is there a way to lower temperature in an enclosure?

    These are a small species so if you are keeping them in a small container is very hard to regulate the temperature of a container without changing it drastically (too hot or too cold). Warm air raises so you will often find that keeping the tank or cage on the floor will keep it a couple degrees...
  17. Charoozz520

    window sill mantis

    @MantisGirl13 has them for sale atm!
  18. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    Well my male spiny is not into my female at all...he's three weeks old but still constantly giving her threat display whenever he's close. He even flew away last night and after a stressful night of looking everywhere I found him thankfully (he flew into the crawlspace which was the last place I...
  19. Charoozz520

    Ho can I efficiently feed Blue Bottle Flies to my mantis?

    Good luck ! You can tell which pupae are close to eclosing by the colors, the darker it is, the closer they are to eclosing. 
  20. Charoozz520


    I understand, anyway you can do it outside? Weather is warming up now, so all you need is a tiny corner somewhere  :D