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  1. Charoozz520

    Ho can I efficiently feed Blue Bottle Flies to my mantis?

    I honestly have never misted the pupae and they seemed to hatch out fine, the damp paper towel with sugar water seems enough for them to eclosed properly. The spikes I do keep slightly damp until they start to pupae then I stop misting.  Yes and as @hysteresis said once they turn into flies you...
  2. Charoozz520


    Honestly they are extremely easy to breed, just some people are sensitive to the smell..I for one can only smell it when I open the container to let the spikes pupae. 
  3. Charoozz520

    My Mantids

    Shes gorgeous! 
  4. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    @MantisGirl13 I was hoping you would give me breeding tips  :D
  5. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    @MantisGirl13 yes I stood there counting for a few minutes to make sure my eyes were not going crazy since I was for sure all of them were males, maybe they were too young? (L4s) and now with this molt shes an L5. Not sure how a mantis could lose segments though through molting. The budwings...
  6. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    So jealous, those pretty green eyes! I been looking everywhere for these guys! 
  7. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    @hysteresis thank you, no luck at my local dollar store, guess I am going to have to go to some other ones and see what they got. 
  8. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    Loving the display rack! I should have mine done shortly, just have to move somethings around so I have room  :D . Can I ask where you get the containers with blue lids from? I been looking for something that size but everything is either in a variety pack or not the right size. 
  9. Charoozz520

    The Mantis Team

    Those eyes are beautiful! 
  10. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    @Little Mantis @MantisGirl13 so you wouldn't believe this, the supposedly all male Venosa of them is now a female! She molted yesterday morning and now only have six segments. I am very confused as I am sure they were all males but happy since now I don't have to go searching for a...
  11. Charoozz520

    Melting plastic terrarium tops

    Only thing is Idolos unlike other empusids actually need a lot higher humidity for their final molts. From what I saw on the 25 page thread on here most people kept them in glass terrariums like exos though modification has to be made so that they can climb up the walls (as simple as getting...
  12. Charoozz520

    How to get blue bottle spikes to pupate?

    Do you have better results with cat food? I will try this with my next batch. (Does it smell worse than dog food since its more "fishy' ?)
  13. Charoozz520

    Ho can I efficiently feed Blue Bottle Flies to my mantis?

    I have never tried to let the pupae emerge in tank as it just doesn't seem as reliable. Imagine if all ten hatched at once and the mantis doesn't eat all of them. The extra flies will end up annoying the mantis and it will be hard for you to open up the container without flies escaping. I have...
  14. Charoozz520

    Melting plastic terrarium tops

    How big is your exoterra? I use to have this problem with reptiles but I never have to use so much heats for my mantises, I find that 25-40watt bulbs are more than enough for my mantises. You can also make sure that the lamp itself is lifted an inch or two above the lid and not resting on it...
  15. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

  16. Charoozz520

    Too little ventilation?

    Yeah I think you can get away with just the holes on top with such a small enclosure. But once it gets bigger cross ventilation helps a lot or just even a row of holes towards the bottom of the enclosure. Hot air rises so as the hot air escapes through the top, fresh air will be pulled in...
  17. Charoozz520

    Too little ventilation?

    Depending on how tall the enclosure is you can always add some ventilation on the sides for cross ventilation.
  18. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    I hope so too! Luckily I have some time they are only L4/L5s. As long as I get at least one female I should have no problem mating since she has seven males to go through  :lol:
  19. Charoozz520

    How to get blue bottle spikes to pupate?

    No spikes. They lay eggs, the whole process took about two-two half weeks. I now have my first set of flies emerging from the pupaes I got.  So I use a layer of Josh's frog fruit fly media since it has molt inhibitors and also smells nice and top it with a layer of soaked dog food. In one...
  20. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    @Little Mantis Thank you! Honestly the best money I spent. This macro lens for my phone helps me take such close pictures. On another note....I either have the best luck in the world and should try to win the lottery or the worst luck and should never even dream of winning anything. Out of the...