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  1. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    @hysteresis I saran wrap (and taped) three sides of one of my netcubes and currently experimenting with this, I use to do this with my frogs when I didn't have time to build a glass lid and have to use a screen cover. So far seems to make humidity a bit higher but still giving ventilation on...
  2. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    @hysteresis I am sorry about your female :(  . I didn't know that they were so prone to mismolts or need higher humidity to molt into adults. I been keeping mine bone dry, guess I should be misting them from time to time. 
  3. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    @hysteresis those spots are awesome, almost look like eyeballs  :lol: ...well I keep saying no more new species but now you're gonna make me look for a Truncata
  4. Charoozz520


    @MantisGirl13 thank you!! I will try again this weekend 
  5. Charoozz520


    @MantisGirl13 how long did it take for your male to notice the female and get on her back? It’s been 30mins and the name haven’t made a move yet. I already fed her two roaches so I really can’t give her more food or she’s gonna explode.
  6. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    @MantisGirl13 thank you! The gecko is a paroedura androyensis, a species of dwarf gecko from Madagascar. Fully grown they are only about 2.5"
  7. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    Both Creos molted to adult! I thought one was a molt behind since she was a bit smaller but looks like I was wrong: The Spinys are now either L4 or L5: And finally thanks to Yen I got my Thistle Mantis  :tt1: Here's the presub Male: And he even sent a freebie: Annnnnd I know...
  8. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's custom bioactive display tanks

    @Little Mantis Thank You, I am looking to put up a 48" bakers rack for all my mantises so I want to have two rows of these display tanks. @Mystymantis I always love trying to create the most natural environment I can house my animals in, and I feel like they enjoy it too. The lights I am using...
  9. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    Congrats! Your truncata is beautiful!
  10. Charoozz520


    Congrats!! Hope its healthy and fertile! 
  11. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    @MantisGirl13 oh yeah sorry I was talking about my pseudoxyops. The Pseudocreobotra is fine :) I keep her humidity low. Tried to mate them today actually but the male was not interested so I will wait another week.  @Little Mantis yeah :( I would like to try to keep pseudoxyops again they are...
  12. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    Baby bird and mama mantis. The ultimate showdown. Actually no don’t do it! 😂
  13. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    Are roaches a no no? They are definitely meatier than crickets 
  14. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    @MantisGirl13 oh no :(  I was under the assumption they do since PanTerras page day 50-70% humidity for Pseudoxyops. Now I feel even more horrible that I probably cause her death by keeping her more humid. 
  15. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    I think I must be doing something wrong with this species. Her sister passed but I thought she would be fine since she molted and was active and eating. I kept humidity at around 60 and temperature around 78-80. All my other mantises are doing fine. The only ones I lost are the two pseudos :(  
  16. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    Well I am heartbroken. I came home to find the pseudo barely hanging on. I am not sure what happened to her. I assumed she was in the clear since she molted fine. I gave her some honey water which she took but she is getting weaker :(
  17. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    Shes gonna be Huuuuuuuuuuge~ and dude you don't look stupid, happens to the best of us. 
  18. Charoozz520

    Mini male?

    @MantisGirl13 do you think he could had skipped a molt? I just read someones Spiny took forever to molt and appear to have skipped a molt to an adult male which turn out to be smaller than her other male.
  19. Charoozz520

    Isopod Experiment: A. Vulgare Choice Chamber Tests

    @ohaple excited to see your results! I know this is a controlled experiment but as you mention their need for chitin/calcium. What I have done is added crushed cuttlefish bones for this requirement. 
  20. Charoozz520

    WTB subadult/adult male Pseudoxyops perpulchra

    Looking for a subadult/adult male Pseudoxyops! Really need one for my just mature female :)  Thank You!!