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  1. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's custom bioactive display tanks

    As someone who has multiple large vivariums, I wanted to try to make something like what I have but on a smaller scale. My goal was to have a rack full of display tanks for each species of mantis I owed. I know I could have easily gone with exo terras but building my own was cheaper and besides...
  2. Charoozz520

    The Gang

    Congrats! Beautiful green on her :)  
  3. Charoozz520

    New mantid enthusiasts from Toronto area

    @hysteresis unfortunately living in New York City, we usually only see coo-coo pigeons fighting over bread crumbs
  4. Charoozz520

    New mantid enthusiasts from Toronto area

    This gave me a good chuckle @hysteresis I'll say mantis aren't that different from keeping lizards. The widdle geckos boop and bop and walk around on their little feetsies until they spot prey, then they are gore gore gore, chasing them and biting them down, shaking them until they subdue or...
  5. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    Success! male spiny molted into adulthood with no problems, so in two weeks I will try pairing him with the female  :tt1:
  6. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    I been feeding them everyday but I do skip a day sometimes. I love the way they chase down the hydei I throw in there. 
  7. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    @MantisGirl13 Thank you :)  I was skeptical since the lenses was only $10 but it works so well. So far so good for the Eremiaphila. They actually just molted. From the information I gathered, they need a lot of space to run around in since they chase down their prey, so I have each of them...
  8. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    I grabbed a clip on macro lens from Amazon and I am really happy I did :)   decide to have a photoshoot yesterday with most of my mantises. L3/L4? Spiny Flower: My Adult Female Spiny: L3 Texas Unicorn: Subadult pseudoxyops Sudadult Creobroter L3 H. Venosa L3...
  9. Charoozz520

    My Mantids

    Amazing pictures those are some beautiful mantises. How much bigger are the giant budwings versus regular ones? Budwings were actually the first mantises I kept years ago :)  
  10. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    Congrats! She's beautiful :)  
  11. Charoozz520


    Congrats!! I am still waiting for my subadult male to molt so hopefully I have the same success in a few weeks!
  12. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    Thank You, I just didn't expect it to happen to her, she was alert, active and eating.  That's awesome I hope you have success with them and can breed them! Thistles on my list once I setup my reptile/invertebrate room 
  13. Charoozz520

    hcarlton's Mantid Photos

    Love the picture of your agrionina she looks so curious!
  14. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    @hysteresis sorry to hear about your Thistle :(  it really sucks when you do everything right to make sure they thrive but they just don't make it
  15. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    Well my poor girl didn't make it  :( , I am still not sure what happened but do mantis deteriorate that quickly after they pass? Her body was all mushy and she turned from her beautiful green to poo brown.  I hope she finds plenty of flies and roaches in mantis heaven. On a happier note, the...
  16. Charoozz520

    Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019

    Congrats on the molt!
  17. Charoozz520

    Snuhan’s two boys!

    Look at those cute eyes! 
  18. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    I know, I am at work so it just stresses me more that I can't be there to observe and see what's going on Thank You! I really like building naturalistic vivariums for all my animals so hoping to make more soon. I am just trying to find containers that are more clear than these ones for a...
  19. Charoozz520

    Happy birthday!!

    Opps! Well then happy belated @hierodula  :turned:  and happy birthday to @KevinsWither  :sorcerer:
  20. Charoozz520

    Charoozz's Mantis Collection

    Honestly I did it as I was desperate hoping it might save her  :(  someone else might have a better answer, I made sure to tape just the end of her leg and that none of the sticky side was exposed. 