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  1. reptilia5

    Honey for mantises

    Very interesting and useful information,doctor.I will keep that in mind in case I have to face an emergency like that. that being said, how does one determine mantis age to human years? Would it be like ten human years to one month of mantis age?
  2. reptilia5

    Hello from NJ

    Jungle Carpet Pythons rock. They are another snake on my "must have" list along with the Madagascar Tree Boa and Madagascar Ground Boa.
  3. reptilia5

    T.sinensis nymph question

    Unfortunately the runt fell while molting last night. Only one raptorial arm managed to work its way out of the exuvia. The other 5 legs were still encased. It was still alive and struggling this morning but was beyond my help. I had to feed it to another mantis to put it out of it's misery. Now...
  4. reptilia5

    Raw beef and bananas

    Has anyone else had experience with feeding their mantises raw beef and bananas? My T. sinensis seem to love being fed a piece of raw organic beef followed by a piece of organic banana. They will eat until their back ends are full and plump.It seems strange than an animal which does not seek out...
  5. reptilia5

    Hello from NJ

    Welcome! Nice to see another snake keeper on this site. What snakes do you keep? Dumeril's boas are my personal favorite and I also have a passion for Lampropeltis getula.
  6. reptilia5

    Hawk pics

    What a beautiful hawk. There was a hawks nest in a tree in the city cemetery near our apartment. Last year my son and I discovered this nest with a mother hawk rearing her chicks. We had the opportunity to watch the male bringing the female food on several occasions on our daily excursions...
  7. reptilia5

    Dumeril's boas

    Thanks for the info. They are awesome snakes. Had mine out today for some sun while waiting outside the mall for my wife and step-daughter. Four guys saw it on the grassy "island" of the parking lot and wanted their picture taken with it.They were very surprised at how calm and easy to handle it...
  8. reptilia5

    another ooth has hatched

    S.carolina was the first mantis I raised. They are great animals and easy to care for. It is this species that captured my curiosity in mantis keeping.
  9. reptilia5

    My R. stalii male is brain dead

    I have to agree with that statement! My wife says I spend most of my waking hours brain-dead!
  10. reptilia5

    T.sinensis nymph question

    Thank you all for your interest in my "runt". It had it's 3rd molt last week and is still so much smaller than the others. I gave it a piece of boiled chicken tonight and it attacked it with gusto. I will update again as for it's size after it's next molt.
  11. reptilia5

    Haania sp. (Moss Mantis)

    What is required for their care? What is their adult size?
  12. reptilia5

    Haania sp. (Moss Mantis)

    Awesome! Very beautiful mantis.
  13. reptilia5

    T.sinensis nymph question

    As of 4/16 this mantis is still tiny. The other mantises have grown much bigger,almost an inch at least but this mantis is still soooo small. Obviously a runt,but a runt with a huge appetite and a great "personality".
  14. reptilia5

    Pseudocreobotra spp.

    Thank you for those links and for your response.
  15. reptilia5

    Pseudocreobotra spp.

    I am hoping someone can help me translate the name "Pseudocreobotra". I know that "Pseudo" is from Greek "ψευδής" and means "false/fake" and,"creo" from the Latin 1st declension infinitive verb "creare" and means "to create or produce",but what about "botra"??? This word is not in any of my...
  16. reptilia5

    T.sinensis nymph question

    Thanks to all for your responses. It has definitely molted as the exuvia is still hanging from the stick in it's container and it is now slightly bigger and green instead of tiny and brown like before. I was also thinking it was a "runt" myself. It is a special keeper because of it's outgoing...
  17. reptilia5

    Lets see the face behind the username!

    I know this is an old topic but I would like to jump on board if that is OK. This is a pic of me,my wife and our son on his 6th b-day.
  18. reptilia5

    Did anybody just feel that earthquake?

    I'm in Southern Indiana and we had a small one here 5 years ago around 4:30 in the morning. The shaking woke all of us up and about 5 minutes later there was a loud "boom". That was the first earthquake I had ever experienced. My wife,who is from Mongolia, had experienced many of them in her...
  19. reptilia5

    T.sinensis nymph question

    So my T.sinensis ooth hatched two weeks ago and the few nymphs I have kept have undergone their first instar. All of the nymphs except one have doubled in size. One nymph has grown just slightly bigger than before it molted but has not doubled in size like the others. My question is this: could...
  20. reptilia5

    Can nymphs breathe through paper towels?

    Yes they can.My baby T.sinensis are doing very well with a paper towel top. The only problem I am experiencing is keeping in humidity,so if you use a PT lid be sure to mist at least twice a day or whatever is required for your mantises humidity needs.