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  1. aNisip

    Mantoida maya

    I will contact UF (University of Florida) ento dept to see who could help me out and ask abt Svenson. mantiseater, do you remember who you contacted at UF? (I have talked with one of the profs there before, so it may be that same person) Thanks :)
  2. aNisip

    How's this cricket breeding setup?

    Yes after about a week of seeing the females depositing eggs, I would replace the dirt bin with a new one and place the old one in a miniature version of your current setups...then put back the soil dish into the "breeding/laying containter" after a week after the initial cricket swarm has...
  3. aNisip

    Mantoida maya

    Yeah, I would assume someone in FL would like to know/should be interested in this find, but not exactly who to contact to make aware of this unique find; any ideas?
  4. aNisip

    Mantoida maya

    Yes. I wouldn't doubt that at all...I would love to check out the Gainesville collection...
  5. aNisip

    Mantoida maya

    Not exactly...but in terms of them being non-indigenous to Florida (or at least that is what was thought in the past) it is most likely that a shipment of plants is likely the culprit of this species origin in FL. But lets not count the ducks before they hatch i guess. I have spoken with a...
  6. aNisip

    Mantoida maya

    Here is what he looks like from the molt I mentioned above, but it was awhile before I was able to put this up and he actually molted again I have to get a new one of him again :) I captioned this one as "What's out there?"
  7. aNisip

    Boxer Mantis Mating Dance

    As always, awesome footage ;) He connects so quickly, just like the G grisea males did...I wonder why?
  8. aNisip

    Mantoida maya

    The most likely source of origin is from a shipment of plants that had an ooth of this species on it. |However im still holding out for a new species :P Yes this is very likely, as you can tell, that's what I thought it was at first Likely not, as it perfectly matches the description of the...
  9. aNisip

    Mantoida maya

    Yes, this individual often holds its forelegs in characteristic Acanthopidae position, much like a Mantisfly. I am doing my best to raise him (I got a better, closer look at his abdomen, to count 8 segments) and so far is doing great. He currently is eating fruit flies and springtails. So...
  10. aNisip

    A Tool All Photographers of Mantids Should Have

    yeah, just put a piece of tape on a skewer for a second...shine the light..they fix their attention to the light...then take the picture...
  11. aNisip

    A Tool All Photographers of Mantids Should Have

    A lazer pointer works well too :)
  12. aNisip

    Mantoida maya

    Dracus, how can you tell? I mean the only really tell-tale sign is the stripes in its eyes. The specimen I found doesn't have them, although maybe they appear in its older instars? I know it is not the best option, but when you Google Image Mantoida maya, many pictures like this show up. But...
  13. aNisip

    molting accident

    From the picture, it looks like the wings are dried far enough away from her abdomen so the male shouldn't have to strenuous a task of connecting.
  14. aNisip

    My new unusual pet

    Nice find! The EU sp, like you said, is a lot harder to find than its Western counterpart. Mainly because of that funnel. Literally have thousands of them in my yard...looks like some sort of minefield with all the little pitfalls. Certainly a death-zone for most species. I have seen them take...
  15. aNisip

    molting accident

    If they dried like that, yes, they are stuck like that. However, it shouldn't really be a problem only until mating time comes (if you plan on mating her). It will cause a little (or alot) of trouble for any male trying to connect; but he should eventually connect.
  16. aNisip

    molting accident

    A first memorable adult molt, that's for sure!
  17. aNisip

    Keep the National Zoo's Invertebrate House Open!

    In addition to this. Just simply, more people would rather go to a zoo to see the Pandas and Polar Bears and Monkeys eating their own feces. Its all about the money, and that is the sad, true fact When I went to Berlin and visited the Berlin Zoo, in addition to some great Phasmids and...
  18. aNisip

    Mantoida maya

    A rare species of mantis I found while cataloging different species of ant down in Coconut Creek, FL this past Sunday. The "Little Yucatan Mantis" is its common name, but the more preferred Mantoida maya is what I refer to it as. It is considered an ant mimicking species like a few other mantid...
  19. aNisip

    Haania sp. (Moss Mantis)

    I know I've been out of the hobby for awhile now, but major congrats and wish you luck with this species! :clap: All the best, Andrew
  20. aNisip

    Flesh flies(????)

    Anytime :) But usually a nice squeeze on the abdomen with other flies wont yield anything (eggs and such) , typically only flesh fly females that have young maggots ready to birth will come out of a fly.