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  1. aNisip

    Gonatista grisea for sale when L2

    When the current L1's molt to L2, they'll be available for sale. Heat pack included for colder areas. Express isn't required but recommended. *Live arrival guaranteed* (if not I will replace the mantis or the price you paid) USA only. Ive posted many PROPER (setups in which ive had much...
  2. aNisip

    Pogonomyrmex badius

    Im into ants now guys :) I mean, I've always sort of been interested in them. I am still keeping mantids, but mainly ants. :) Its a colony of 109 workers, 1 queen, ~20 eggs and 6 larvae. Coming out of the recent cold weather they are starting to grow...Enjoy!
  3. aNisip

    Fines for exotic mantis...

    I know of many in FL who have been dealt heavy fines for exotic mantids w/o a permit. But FL is pretty tough in enforcing these laws. Join the hobby at your own risk :)
  4. aNisip

    Help protect Costa Rica! :)

    Thank you guys for helpin' out! Its a shame that some people just don't see the beauty in nature and very single-minded on getting money. When I signed it this morning, the count was at 169, 050. Now its at 219, 751! Im not really sure either Rick, but it can't hurt and makes us more aware of...
  5. aNisip

    Help protect Costa Rica! :) Dear forum members, I would really like if you would sign this petition. A Canadian Gold Mining company is suing Costa Rica for $1 billion for their decision to protect their rainforests than allow their forest to be mined for gold. I...
  6. aNisip

    Four groups for our Mantis study

    You would have to have four control groups, one wirh the fly, one with the roach, and one with the cricket, and one with the mealworm. Then do the experiment comparing the fly and roach, then fly and cricket and fly and mealworm. Then roach and fly, roach and cricket, and roach and...
  7. aNisip

    Four groups for our Mantis study

    Sounds like an interesting experiment/research opportunity. However, in addition to the many many many many many many trials (feedings) you'll need to have a control group. And lastly (the most difficult) you'll need to be sure to use mantids that are at the same 'hungry' level. Wether it be...
  8. aNisip

    Neotropical Mantis (formerly mantisdeperu)

    Did you pay with a PayPal balance or credit card? If its the later, maybe your credit card company might be able to help? And that's a shame PayPal won't do a thing....sorry man :(
  9. aNisip

    Winter Frustrations

    Yup mantises love the gooey-ness ;) *for the most part*
  10. aNisip

    Winter Frustrations

    Try feeding him again tomorrow....but for now try offering water droplets directly to his mouth.. Also try a little piece of banana to his mouth parts....
  11. aNisip

    Winter Frustrations

    Offer the crushed up inerds of the cricket to him...or take off a cricket leg (their large jumping ones) and squeeze the muscle out going from the foot to the larger end....a nice insect-muscle mouthful is at the end of the leg and put that up to the male's mouth parts....he should usually...
  12. aNisip

    Choeradodis rhombicollis hatch

    Well done mate! :D :clap: All the best, Andrew
  13. aNisip

    glue on lid liquifies when misted.

    Yup ;) You'll get the hang of it....
  14. aNisip

    glue on lid liquifies when misted.

    Elmers glue is water in the presence of water, it re-liquifies. The glue in hot glue guns is just molten plastic. The toxic smell usually goes away after the plastic stops being molten and hardens and cools. :) jusy air it out a little before introducing your mantid ;)
  15. aNisip

    Mysterious Moss Mantis

    Its an awesome little specie....and when I say little, I mean it! :)
  16. aNisip

    Mystery mantis ID

    Rhombo sp looks like...
  17. aNisip

    Rick - (US)

    Got a package from Rick. Great guy! Excellent packaging and the mantids arrived happily and healthy. And I managed to mate them shortly after ;)
  18. aNisip

    Any chance of recovery? Do praying mantis' suffer?

    She is passing, and very rarely do they come back from things like this (most other cases involve some sort of bacterial infection of the sort, and they can sometimes recover from that) ...but this is just apart of life, sad nonetheless :( I don't think they suffer, but instead struggle to...
  19. aNisip

    Happy Birthday Sally

    Happy Birthday Pat! :D :happybirthday: Have a great day with your family and friends! (and your mantids :P ) Age is but a number madam...