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  1. aNisip

    Paraoxypilus Amorphoscelidae

    Yeah didn't look promising, however one of the coolest species I figured it was worth a shot...thanks Albert!
  2. aNisip

    Paraoxypilus Amorphoscelidae

    Anybody know if these guys are in culture at all? Anywhere? They come from Australia and are a mix of some of my favorite species...they are a bark species AND a boxer species...a very neat combination!
  3. aNisip

    Physiology of mantis breeding response

    In my experience, males can pick up the females pheromones from a good distance away...this puts the male "on lookout"....many times, the presence of a human finger often triggers this mating "grab and search" is mostly the same size and shape and feel of a they latch...
  4. aNisip

    Female Deroplatys lobata makes the final molt :D

    Nice! :clap: ....all my lobatas didn't like me or something and tried to molt from the bottom every final I would always catch them and move their almost molting bodies to the top... All the best, Andrew
  5. aNisip

    What is the most controversial view that you hold?

    This thread isn't productive at will just lead to arguments when ppl have differing views...
  6. aNisip

    Are Crickets An OK Food?

    I can easily formulate on the many viewpoints towards crickets...but for now I will spare it... All I will say (in my opinion) is that its all about the gutloading (a healthy cricket, is a happy mantis :) )
  7. aNisip

    Massachusetts trip macro pictures

    Thank you both! And will do!...don't know when that will be, but will do :)
  8. aNisip

    Here comes another new one

    For certain! I found Gonatista grisea at Tradewins Park down there and a friend of mine found Stagmomantis floridensis in Loxahatchee...your best bet are parks and nature areas...
  9. aNisip

    Odd growth on the back of my Ghost Mantis

    Give him some honey and maybe he'll perk up (give water afterwards)...also I had an adult male that was attacked while mating develop a sort of mold/fungus in his wound on his prothorax...I immediately dabbed some rubbing alchohol on it with que-tip...the wound however already scabbed over and...
  10. aNisip

    My kids at the moment...

    All the best with the mantids! Hope for a successful molt! :)
  11. aNisip

    Here comes another new one

    Welcome! also from Florida! (West Palm) ...nice to see more FL members.. :D
  12. aNisip

    Just pick up the male and put him on the female Rick said....

    The video wouldn't play after abt 3:45 where it goes negative and then black screen....but from what I saw, that is the most eager male I've ever seen; trying to mate with a non-female object so eagerly...poor chap lol :lol:
  13. aNisip

    What's up with UKMF

    Yup, a phishing website has hacked just stay away from the site to avoid infections and such. But like Will said, follow their fb page for more info.
  14. aNisip

    Sexing help - your advice requested.

    Female sinensis :) let her out to play, under parental supervision though. And if those males give her trouble, she'll put them in their place ;) Cheers, Andrew
  15. aNisip

    Peruvian Acanthops sp. ooth laying

    Yeah I bought some "sticky-tac " but it just doesn't stick to ooth material...
  16. aNisip

    Peruvian Acanthops sp. ooth laying

    What sort of putty do you use? I have tried something that seems to be the same material but ooths don't stick at all...
  17. aNisip

    I feel like I am on display...

    Most likely she is hungry. ...many times my mantids will press their face on the wall where their sister is and get that hungry look on their mandibles....just give her a big meal and she should be good.....if not and she keeps this up, she can develop eye rub (not good) her enclosure...
  18. aNisip

    I feel like I am on display...

    And all going into there "I'm invisible, don't look at me" pose "I'm a stick, I'm a stick, I'm a stick...."
  19. aNisip

    Peruvian Acanthops sp. ooth laying

    :clap: Awesome Stefan! Their ooths appear soo fragile when only being attached by a thin ooth piece "thread" All the best, Andrew
  20. aNisip

    Molting issues w/ new shipment, please help!

    ↑What he said↑ ....move her to a larger enclosure so she can hang to inflate her wings... and depending on who you got them from, ask why they were shipped so close to molting...sub adults you can tell when they will molt (generally) and it mightve been best for the dealer to hold on to her...