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  1. O

    Can you buy live moths or kits?

    I rear a lot of different exotic moths, and I do sometimes feed a few culls to my mantids and reptiles. The problem is that many of the ones I have are actually worth more than what I would feed them to! Here is an example of a moth I rear (Antherina suraka) And here are some Argema mittrei...
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    Which reptile ?

    I would suggest: leopard gecko, crested gecko, bearded dragon, chinese water dragon, corn snake, California king snake, ball python, or blue tongue skink. All are easily cared for and can tolerate some handling...
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    new site

    Nice work.
  4. O

    Do you like tarantulas?

    I love tarantulas. Especially arborials like Avics and Pokies. Don't have any Ts at the moment though.
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    Homemade Roach Gutload/Feed: Is this good?

    I get my spiralina here: It can probably be obtained elsewhere for cheaper, but I also breed Tanganyika Cichlid fish and they do much better on high quality food. Obie
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    Homemade Roach Gutload/Feed: Is this good?

    The blend I use is 1/3 low fat organic dogfood, 1/3 organic kitten food and 1/3 100% spiralina flake (for fish). Its a dual purpose roach feed and gutload. The roaches flourish on it and so does everything that eats them. I decided to add spiralina to all my gutloads after talking with a...
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    Wild caught Mantid W/Parasite

    I agree with Christian, it looks to me like a Tachinid fly pupa. I have had those fly larvae emerge from wild-collected moth caterpillars many times. The flies look a lot like houseflies. Most parasitic wasps are much smaller.
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    James is a great guy. I just ordered some Blatta lateralis and some lobsters for fresh genes. They arrived today well packed and in perfect condition. has fast service and decent prices.
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    Phelsuma m. grandis hatchlings

    Wow...super cute! Makes me wish I still had my grandis. Or any day geckos for that matter...
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    Albino? Or just a different species?

    I have had S. californica that looked like that many fact I had a wild male that just died yesterday of old age and he was the same shade. It seems to be a color morph found in S. californica, along with bright green and a couple of shades of brown. That pale whitish is by far the...
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    Flying roaches

    Well, even roaches that can fly aren't exactly the kind of "flying insects" that gonys are into. G. gongylodes prefers insects that spend a good amount of time flying around and aren't very large, like houseflies, bees and moths. Roaches usually only fly for short distances and even then...
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    Cave Ratsnakes -- 2005 babies for sale

    Baby Cave Ratsnakes CB 2005. The parents are from different bloodlines, and both are over 7ft long. These are all very healthy snakes and have all fed multiple times on both F/T and live pinkies, and shed. They are $195 each, plus Fedex overnight shipping. Payment by PayPal or postal money...