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  1. dlemmings

    Ghost color question

    okay...but I found this on the web...looks like a boy no?
  2. dlemmings

    Ghost color question

  3. dlemmings

    Ghost color question

    so the Green Male Ghost is rare but exists....sweet. I want a Green couple. where can I buy a Gama ray culture....I got the spinach! patrickFraser: how is the Signature now? harshmymellomuch?
  4. dlemmings

    Ghost color question

    wow you always have the best pics. i shall hope then to get lucky if I cannot influence a color trend. sorry...I will delete
  5. dlemmings

    Ghost color question

    when I got the nymphs they were L1 and all looked like black ants by the time they were old enough to sex (head protrusion was the easiest indicator) the two females showed hints of green that deepened with each successive molt. I have yet to have anyone show conclusive proof that surroundings...
  6. dlemmings

    Here comes the future... Lytro!

    isnt stacking the method currently used to create an image that has good focus across depth by "combining" multiple pictures do capture different fields of focus?
  7. dlemmings

    Ghost color question

    My female Ghost died, she was a very vivid green and I loved that color...I was looking forward to watching her grow to adult. My previous pair were both a dark coffee brown, and my L-5 or 6 male is a darkish brown mottled with pale greens. question...I have read that the green colors tend top...
  8. dlemmings

    RS4guy's lab

    VERY NICE SET UP! wish I had a spare room to dedicate to the hobby (wife I doubt would ever allow it...not a fan of my
  9. dlemmings

    Orchid babies!!

  10. dlemmings

    mismolted Ghost butt

    bummer guess I gotta fix my signature too
  11. dlemmings

    mismolted Ghost butt

    the exoskeleton was barely stuck onto the very small tip of her abdomen like the size of the tip of an ink pen rollertip...i seriously thought if the just pooped it would fall off. and she had not eaten so I would not think blockage. I am very sad as she was so vividly green (my first green one...
  12. dlemmings

    mismolted Ghost butt

    WELL....VERY DEFLATED!!!! I came home to find her dead at the bottom of enclosure!!! temps were around 78 and humidity was 70 in aquarium and a bit more inside her enclosure....she was a beautiful emerald color and I hoped to see her reach adult like my last female. I now need a female Ghost...
  13. dlemmings

    mismolted Ghost butt

    Leaving work now...if it is still there when I get home I will mist it and let it soften 10-15 minutes before trying to remove it....hopefully she shook it off.
  14. dlemmings

    mismolted Ghost butt

    or I can try to get her to eat a pinto bean so she can break wind and blow it off... like a Creo hot air balloon floating in her cage.
  15. dlemmings

    mismolted Ghost butt

    so my female Ghost molted a day ago but the old skin was hanging from her butt...she was hanging upside down. when I looked in on her before coming to work it was still there. when I get home I plan to try to "help" remove it. Has anyone experienced this before? all the limbs and everything...
  16. dlemmings

    idolomantis diabolica

    Nice pic. this one is still on my wish list...
  17. dlemmings

    Hello! New fan from PA

    dont worry about the legality, just keep a low profile. Also before purchasing a mantis from a wesite post a "Wanted" add here at mantid forum. I got my first ghosts (a sexed pair at L-5) for $20.00 and because I found someone local I did not have to pay shipping. by sending P.M. to members in...
  18. dlemmings

    Greetings from Indiana

  19. dlemmings

    Hello! New fan from PA

    welcome, I started with two ghosts one male and one female they were about L5 when I bought them. I fed them exclusivly wild caught flies (I got them in July or August) until winter forced me to start buying pupa online. I have used mantisplace and mantis pets and have recieved great service...
  20. dlemmings

    Hello from NY
