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  1. dlemmings

    Fruit fly culture mites.

    So I have seen threads requesting mite free cultures, and threads on what do do with infected cultures. I think I read somewhere about "mite paper" ? that presumably prevents mites from getting into a culture. I have also seen fantastic macro pics where mites are visible on mantids. I have...
  2. dlemmings

    Hello from California :3

    Welcome from North Orange County!!!
  3. dlemmings

    josh's ff

    I gave up on the petsmart .too much expence. In a pinch I use a reptile store in stanton but the. Ones from Rebbeca or Carey are way better. Now I just raise my own cultures...easy. I use a big bag from Carey last year and have a few month supply left. Really the way to go if you...
  4. dlemmings

    Hello from California :)

    Welcome from burns birthday is April 13th too!!! Ghosts are my favorites along with Violins. I only keep ghosts at the moment but have had a few other species
  5. dlemmings


    HaVe A gReAt BiRtHdAy!!!!!!! :stuart:
  6. dlemmings

    Decisions Decisions (Please help me decide on next mantid)

    Sp. Lineola or blue flash both are decent size, hunt pretty agressivly and mine at least LOVED to come out and play. my Lineola would hang out on a plant for hours...I would tweeter her a cricket she would snack on it and watch every one walk my her. :shifty:
  7. dlemmings

    Creos and Ghosts Tolerant of Each Other, Please Help with these Enclosures!

    nice enclosures....yeah those Creos would sooner or later snack on the Creos were beasts...taking Blue bottles bigger then them, and sometimes snacking on each other even with flies or blue bottles still in with them. Hard to say from pics but looks like maybe a male & female...
  8. dlemmings

    sex of ghost subadult?

    Both Males...hang onto them. Adult males make for good trades/sales....lots more females seem to hatch/survive. I usually look at the "head pronatum thingyjob" after you have raised a few from L-1 to adult you can more or less tell that way...there are threads with pics you can search. Or some...
  9. dlemmings

    Horrible Shooting

    There are no words...
  10. dlemmings

    can you put more than one mantid in a n enclosure without them murdering eachother

    Ghosties...I have two 32oz delicups with 3 pre-sub in them (one set of males and one set of females) who have not munched on each other. (so far) and a couple more with two each. I did pick out the "big" ones and put them seperately thinking they were the cannibals of the group. cant tell if I...
  11. dlemmings

    nymphs in a critter carrier

    my experience is from L-5 or so (once taking blue bottles) is fine. Smaller wild caught or houseflys can escape from the holes that the carry handles fit into the lid. Blue bottles cannot escape and that has been my criterion since...when the nymph is big enough to take BBF then they can fit...
  12. dlemmings

    Ghostie survey

    Wow...good observation Rich. I had not thought of how many eggs may be male/femal based on parental conditions...surely this could be a factor though. I had a crash of BBF that led to very small ooths...1st hatched out 15-20 ghosties...(gonna be sending you a few ooths as part of our earlier...
  13. dlemmings

    Species survey

    I am all Ghosts right now...alot I wish for but will next pull the trigger on Violins when they come up next.
  14. dlemmings

    Ghostie survey

    My males have thier work cut out come breeding I may have to hoard my males from next generation.
  15. dlemmings

    Need to find a good fly gutload

    Yup I keep BBF in deli cups and feed through the mesh in the lid. a few drops a day for 20+ per delicup...I rotate feeding so the BBF can feast 2-3 days before being fed off. some have argued this is not needed. but having the extra flys helps hedge against those times when there are suddenly no...
  16. dlemmings

    Ghostie survey

    So my limited experience is that there are generally more females than males froma single ooth does this sound correct and does anyone have an idea what the ratio is? I had to post for quite a while looking for a male earier this year, with the word on the forum and from locals being that males...
  17. dlemmings

    Ghost Mantis: Do you agree with me?

    see I told you so....
  18. dlemmings

    Ghost Mantis: Do you agree with me?

    My very limited experience is that Genetics is the factor. I have tried very hard to end up with a green Ghost using higher humidity and green foliage with no success. my nymphs which are now around presub or sub are mostly green (females) and males are brown. I have not had a green male...
  19. dlemmings

    Mantis Eulogy

    I think I have lamented the loss of nearly all my Mantids...especially when they reach adult. sorry for your loss
  20. dlemmings

    L2 Ghost mantis

    I kept my Creos in 32 oz delicup. I kept the parents in seperate critter keepers when they were big enough to take Blue Bottle Flys. had so many little nymphs I had to switch to delicups...they are ideal. I keep my Ghosts in delicups to except my adult is in critter keeper. I like that I can...