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  1. cloud jaguar

    Zonata! found elusive cal mtn kingsnake!

    Lately i have been really interested in tricolors -- first my tricolor hognose false coral snake hatchlings - and most recently i have been looking for Lampropeltis zonata parvirubra - after some intense looking i found a yearling! Here he is:
  2. cloud jaguar

    Solifugid !

    Peter, it climbs by pulling itself up the plastic enclosure walls with its long leg-like pedipalps - it is very fast. It has taken to hiding during the day - i guess this is a good thing as opposed to running in circles all day. It was caught during the day running very fast down a desert part...
  3. cloud jaguar

    Solifugid !

    Thanks everyone - Peter, i misted some water in the enclosure with the solifugid - i noticed that it seemed fatter too - perhaps it was going to molt because it made a burrow in the moistened sand - complete with a little dome on top and disappeared -
  4. cloud jaguar

    Solifugid !

    No doubt -- I am definitely not planning on handling this guy! -- far to creepy looking.
  5. cloud jaguar

    Solifugid !

    I went field herping yesterday at a local small dam in the area with some desert - i was very excited to find a solifugid skittering along the desert floor. It has large red pedipalps in front and does not seem remotely interested in eating small crickets or ffs despite being visibly skinny...
  6. cloud jaguar

    Hello from SoCal

    Welcome from Los Angeles! Mantids are pretty cool for sure.
  7. cloud jaguar

    I got a pair of Tricolor Hognose Snake hatchlings !

    I just bought a pair of tri color hog hatchlings - these are the coolest snakes i have ever had and i am very excited about keeping them and eventually breeding them. They are rear fanged and slightly venemous to toads too - also they have an excellent habit of shaking their tails like a...
  8. cloud jaguar

    Hognose Snake

    I once kept many snakes but not for years - I am thinking i really want a couple of light-phase western hogs - anyone know a breeder near Los Angeles? Do you have any experience raising hogs? Thankx
  9. cloud jaguar

    Housefly culturing in 12" net cubes

    Thanks Phil - i should try that - especially now that i have a bunch of baby toads.
  10. cloud jaguar

    Ghost Ooths trade for Vinegaroon Whip Scorpion (small one)

    Anyone have a smallish vinegaroon whip scorpion they would trade for a couple of Ghost ooths? Any other interesting offers for mantid ooths will be considered. Thanks :)
  11. cloud jaguar

    Newbie from SoCal

    Welcome to the forum - i am also from so cal. The mantis nymph in your pic is most likely Stagmomantis Limbata (Arizona Bordered Mantis) - those are great pets and can become various different colors including camo, green, grown, grey, black - even pink. Anyways, take care and good luck with...
  12. cloud jaguar

    They're finally hatching/Stagmomantis floridensis

    Rick - the adults are too big for a 32 oz deli cup or they fit ok? If not what do you keep your adults in? Thanks
  13. cloud jaguar


    May 15-16 -- yay, i did not miss it! Definitely going this year - i want to get a female emperor scorpion
  14. cloud jaguar

    Hi everyone - been away for a bit

    Hi everyone, well I have been taking a break from getting any new mantids on account of I am dealing with getting separated/divorced :( . Anyways, I am currently keeping Florida Larger Mantids, Arizona Bordered Mantids, and Ghost Mantids. I have 3 fertile Ghosts and already a couple of...
  15. cloud jaguar

    hello from new jersey

    welcome from so cal
  16. cloud jaguar

    asked to introduce myself

  17. cloud jaguar

    Hello.. from SoCal

    Welcome from so cal
  18. cloud jaguar

    Hi, I'm Max' !

  19. cloud jaguar

    Hi from Atlanta, GA

  20. cloud jaguar

    Hi Guys...

    Welcome to the forum! Nice pics of violins!