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  1. Morpheus uk

    What are mantis flies like?

    yup, the internet is so full of ###### most times. People usually ask these questions after they have browsed anyway.
  2. Morpheus uk

    What are mantis flies like?

    Whats the point in using a forum if its full of comments saying use google, i know i ask some ###### stuff but i dont have the time to browse the internet, it is nice just to leave a post, get on with life then check it later to see someones kindly answered your post.
  3. Morpheus uk

    New Javan Heavey Jumpers

    No they are newish spiderlings, not sure how to properly age arachnids, but they have moulted twice i think, heres a photo of an adult female. Not sure why they are called heavey jumpers but yeah that is their common name : /
  4. Morpheus uk

    Halo 3 ODST?

    best halo yet :P I always thought Halo 2 was the best and this feels like a massivly updated version :D To be honest i only wanted it for the maps, but as soon as it came out all my friends brought it and been on it ever since so they got me to get it :P Wanting it for the maps was...
  5. Morpheus uk

    New Javan Heavey Jumpers

    Thanks all :D I got some way better photo's earlier today :) I should of aswell after what happened, the little bugger jumped off some bark and into my ancient massive telly, so i had to frantically uncrew it all and rip it open to get the little thing :P
  6. Morpheus uk

    Some Jumper Pics

    Very nice pics :D Happens to be two of the species i keep, Platycryptus undatus and Phiddipus audax :P
  7. Morpheus uk

    Internal parasites

    Nasty, be sure to keep them though and see what they turn out like.
  8. Morpheus uk

    Some type of Stink Bug

    Wheel bug to be exact :)
  9. Morpheus uk

    New Javan Heavey Jumpers

    Recieved my Hyllus sp. heavey jumpers today :D I'll try and get some better photo's of one of them close up tomorrow but in the mean time heres them still packaged up showing their communal behaviour, it wasnt half a sight opening the lid to see 7 little slings all cuddled up :P
  10. Morpheus uk

    Monster Hunter anyone?

    Its sort of the same concept as Shadow of the collosus :) Roam around for a bit, find something giant n kill it lol I THINK the PS2 one is online, however the PSP for some stupid reason is you can only do it upto 4 players in the same room, ad-hoc i think it is, not proper online though. BUT...
  11. Morpheus uk

    Monster Hunter anyone?

    Sadly not yet :( Their out for the PS2 and the PSP but the next one is coming out in the wii for some stupid reason :(
  12. Morpheus uk

    Species of Avatar

    I change my avatar every now and then but i do use a mantis avatar on Flickr Thistle mantis Blepharopsis mendica Dunno That big one
  13. Morpheus uk

    It seems like all the lovely species of mantis

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO We have something better than amaricans :lol: Im only interested in the more unusual species of mantis, i would only try the bog standard form of mantis if it had something wierd about it, like a double shield or massive forearms for example, saying that i do have a...
  14. Morpheus uk

    Monster Hunter anyone?

    I was just going to start a topic on this but thought i'd do a search just incase i was repeating myself :P So heck yes i play the monster hunter games :D Ive got the first one on PS2 but i never play it, controls are just too wierd, the first one i played and was Monster Hunter Freedom on...
  15. Morpheus uk

    My fake ghost ooths arrived!

    Nah it only partly works on the show My name is Earl, how else do you get little kids ran over and killed and murderers walking free :P
  16. Morpheus uk

    Argiope bruenichi

    And it has spines :P
  17. Morpheus uk

    One wierd mantis

    I should of said what it was in the OP but i couldnt remember if it was Psuedocrania or Ceratocrania :unsure:
  18. Morpheus uk

    Think PINK and check out this Link

    I found several pink common grasshoppers AND i had a pink mantis, wheres my credit :(
  19. Morpheus uk

    Argiope bruenichi

    Thats not an Agriope THATS an Agriope
  20. Morpheus uk

    One wierd mantis

    Is it a ghost mantis or a twig mantis? looks like it cant decide XD