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  1. Morpheus uk

    Eremiaphila braueri

    About a cm and a half i think, and yes they moult on the ground, which makes the fact that i had a couple mismoult even more infuriating.
  2. Morpheus uk

    Eremiaphila braueri

    Kinda like Silverfish, Thermobia.
  3. Morpheus uk

    Hymneopus coronatus

    Sub adult female.
  4. Morpheus uk

    Eremiaphila braueri

    Got 4 of these, did have 8, lost half of them from mismoults and just dropping dead. Feeding on firebrats and kept under a heat lamp.
  5. Morpheus uk

    D.dessicata threat displays

    She moulted and she's moody.
  6. Morpheus uk

    Metallyticus splendidus and Metallyticus violaceus

    My M.violaceus has been on fruit flies, too small for the firebrats i have right now. The M.splendidis are on them though, managed to get the female to nibble most of a pre killed turkistan roach, doesnt seem to be an enthusiastic feeder. Males moulted, hoping the female will catch up.
  7. Morpheus uk

    Sybylla dolosa

    Another new one for me i got at Hamm, pain in the to photograph.
  8. Morpheus uk

    Metallyticus splendidus and Metallyticus violaceus

    Not trying to show off or anything ;) M.splendidus M.violaceus
  9. Morpheus uk

    Choeradodis rhombificollis

    Thanks all, its looking ok so far, around 5th or 6th instar now, not sure if i mixed up a moult. Prepare for a massive photo dump now, been taking loads of photo's since all the females are the same instar now. But due to work and flickr being BS now i didnt get round to uploading them untill...
  10. Morpheus uk

    Predatory katydids, Vestria sp.

    Omnivorous species feeding on green bottles, fruit flies, fish food, dandelion flowers, aphids, and pretty much most things lol. Waited for these for a while and now i cant wait untill they are adult, they get a stylish Tron style colour scheme :D Always found carnivorous katydids interesting...
  11. Morpheus uk

    Choeradodis rhombificollis

    Got 3 females and 2 males around 5th instar, fingers crossed.
  12. Morpheus uk

    Can you identify?

    Empusa sp. are from the Empusidae family, ghosts are from Hymenopodidae.
  13. Morpheus uk

    NEW SPECIES! Sphodropoda quinquedens

    Who sells these new australian species? Thought it was near impossible to get anything out of australia.
  14. Morpheus uk

    Friend on trip to Guyana sent this. What species?

    Is that the kinda conservational work where they have to kill what they find to catalouge it?
  15. Morpheus uk

    Neobarrettia spinosa (Ginat Texas Katydid) MEGA video post

    Has anyone ever bred these? Would be looking for someone who could sell me some ova to the UK.
  16. Morpheus uk

    Where is the Muslim Brotherhood when you need them?

    Well given the fur at least her bag has her name on it.
  17. Morpheus uk

    Let's play again :) (identification)

    Would also like to see these bred, didnt Yen hatch some ooths way back? Is anyone else keeping these?
  18. Morpheus uk

    Need ID

    We covered it here. I think its deffiniately a Sphrodomantis viridis. Every part of yours looks just like mine and other S.viridis i've seen.
  19. Morpheus uk

    Dead Leaf

    Heres an old sub adult female i had way back. As you can see there are a bunch of small segments on the left (topside), whilst on the right (underside) there is the one large one of a female. The males are much narrower than the females, here are my old sub adult female below and the male below her.