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  1. jamurfjr

    Incubation Success...

    I'm still waiting on my griff ooth to hatch...and I'm okay with that. It can take its sweet ol' time. After that stunt you pulled with the H. multispina ooth (hatching out 300 nymphs), I need a break. :sweatdrop: :surrender:
  2. jamurfjr

    Puppies.. puppies everywhere!

    Builds character. Look at maybe it doesn't build character. ;) Enjoy them. It's a labor of love. My best bud is a canine.
  3. jamurfjr

    Part of my Collection .

    Oh, come on! Where's the love?! :wub:
  4. jamurfjr


    Sounds like you've got that taken care of. Good job! My first inclination would have been to allow the supersedure to take place. Your population growth would take a hit until the new queen is laying, but the colony should bounce back, right? Perhaps not with a nuc? Newbie question here; please...
  5. jamurfjr

    Puppies.. puppies everywhere!

    I'm happy for you. Congrats on the two new family members. Those ears will stand upright before long! :) I'm so over the puppy/juvie stage. Cleaning up urine and feces, ick! Maybe it's because I've been through it so many times, or maybe it's because I'm an old curmudgeon. But to each their own.
  6. jamurfjr

    Part of my Collection .

    That's a monster of an ooth right there. I know you'll cherish ALL the babies. ;) As usual, nice pics...
  7. jamurfjr

    Incubation Success...

    Wait until his Griffin ootheca hatches. :o
  8. jamurfjr

    Bee Problem

    Sorry, it was probably me not understanding...have a tendency to do that. ;) I've immobilized animals using several kinds of drugs. By far, the ketamine/xylazine cocktail worked the best, but ketamine is highly controlled and I was accompanied by a licensed veterinarian. This means you must...
  9. jamurfjr

    Bee Problem

    Yeah, bees don't like loud anything too close—mowers included. They also aren't fond of dark clothing. But as ScienceGirl stated, they aren't normally aggressive when swarming. In the center of the mass of bees on your tree, there should reside a queen. By removing the queen and surrounding...
  10. jamurfjr

    Bee Problem

    About that pesky neighbor...discreetly attach a pheromone lure to the back of his shirt or seat of his pants—like we did with kick me signs in elementary school. If the swarm is still around, he'll be covered with bees in no time. ;)
  11. jamurfjr

    Bee Problem

    Swarming equates to natural reproduction in bees. The colony outgrows the hive and the old queen absconds with sixty percent of the workers. They may set up permanent shop nearby or could be just passing through. ScienceGirl gave some good advice. You may want to contact someone experienced in...
  12. jamurfjr


    The smb shown to me in class was larger than what you describe, ScienceGirl. Wikipedia claims one-half centimeter in length. Quick thinking on the improvised water source. We have been discussing the issue and will probably set up a bird bath exclusively for bees—sorry no birds allowed. ;)
  13. jamurfjr

    Some of my guns

    Nice Sig P226 Navy. My SIG P226 is close to 20 years old now. It's not nearly as pretty but still going strong. Like the Springfield too. Cocked and locked. Learned off of the single-action, semi-auto 1911 platform, so it will always hold a special place...
  14. jamurfjr

    What book are you reading?

    I'm also working on Keeping the Praying Mantis... Before that, it was Killing Kennedy by—dare I say[type] it—Bill O'Rielly and the guy who really wrote it, Martin Dugard (just kidding ;) ). I found it entertaining but not groundbreaking. A, Night by Elie Wiesel will move you. My daughter...
  15. jamurfjr

    Some of my recent photos...and an old one posted again

    Wow on the fe ghost and L1 nymph!
  16. jamurfjr

    Murphy's Mantids

    Finally acquired a must-have staple of the hobby: ghosts! :alien:
  17. jamurfjr


    Best wishes to your bees... The guys here look at the shb as part of beekeeping. Every hive has them, and you'll never be completely rid of them. However, they can be controlled. Aside from colony strength, traps are available. I've also heard of treating the ground around the hive to kill...
  18. jamurfjr


    Received my forum supporter package: two ghost nymphs and fly pupae. Nymphs are healthy. They shipped fast. Packing was done with care. Great communication and follow-up. Rebecca at Mantis Place has my recommendation!
  19. jamurfjr


    I went with the solid bottom board because I'm cheap. Lol! We'll see how that goes. Are small hive beetles a big problem in the Northwest?
  20. jamurfjr


    I'll keep that in mind and use the cat box suggestion if I have to. My hive bodies are already on blocks. Thanks!