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  1. I

    Mantid testing.....Scientific Method

    yeah, I think they must taste/recognise food because tried feeding some of mine those carpet beetle larva you find in cricket tubs and once they,ve tried it once and decide they don't like it, they wont try attack it again ever! Cheers, Cameron.
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    Harvestmen/daddy longlegs

    yikes! Looks different. The ones that I'm talkiing about are a grey like colour. Cheers, Cameron.
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    AES bugshow

    I may just write ibanez_freak on to my fore head with a felt tip pen for the sake of it :D
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    Harvestmen/daddy longlegs

    well, never tried wasps or bees but I fed these to mine when I ran out of crickets once and it ate it fine. And now it's an adult. But maybe different species have different immunities of some sort which we don't know of? Cheers, Cameron.
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    AES bugshow

    hi, thanks for the help but my flight was suddenly canceled for some reason? I'm gonna get a bus so may not need to but thanks any way lol. Sorry to waste time and messages in the forum :oops: . Cheers thouh, Cameron.
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    AES bugshow

    hi, If any one here is good and trustworthy at packing mantis and shipping them then I need some help. I got plane tickets to the bug show and forgot about how I would take bugs home! Hoping someone who is just driving or something could take my mantis at the aes bug show and ship them to me. I...
  7. I

    Male or female? ghost mantis

    hi, mine did it when I kinda scared the out of it once. Although it has gotten very paranoid lately and doesn't like to see people any more unfortunately. Cheers Cameron.
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    Male or female? ghost mantis

    yeah, from what I can see it looks like a male. Looks similar to mine actually. (but has wings now :twisted: !) looks nice. Let me tell you they fly like crazy or at least mine did once. Cheers,Cameron.
  9. I

    Male or female? ghost mantis

    cant really see too well :? . Try get a pic from above because at first I sexed mine by looking at the thorax since they segments were too small for my eyes to see properly. The male has a diamond shaped thorax and the female has a triangle shaped thorax. Well, this is what mine looked like...
  10. I

    my mantis hates me!

    hi, Well, the reason I find mantis amazing is I think they seem to get to know you. Some of mine do not like me at all, especially my male ghost but my gongy, c.gemmatus, and female h.membrenacea are extremely tame. Even though they used to go for me and try avoid me etc. I find they get...
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    Tongue eating louse

    wow! So it does yen! It looks a little like some kind of cobra if you squint your eyes too! (I think) I don't like them :? . Cameron.
  12. I

    Mantis not eating

    oh yeah! My gongy loves crix. Well I've been keeping both at about 25 degrees celcius and both are doing alrite till now. I keep the ghost very humid and give the gongy a small squirt with the spray every day. Can problems develop from this because they are both very healthy. Thanks for the...
  13. I

    Mantis not eating

    hi, I want to ask for advice on this. My L5ish (I think) gongylus has not eaten since it shed about 4 days ago now and is looking very thin. It practically used to eat on the day it shed the other times. Also my ghost (phylocrania paradoxa) hasnot eaten for about a little longer than that. Shed...
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    weird :? I've got some nymphs of them as well so I'll tell you if I notice any thing. hmmmm.... Cameron.
  15. I

    What Mantids to get? (new user)

    ghosts are a beginner dead leaf mantis but I wouldn't recomend them as your first one. I'm not too sure about orchid or violin. You definately need to buy a heat mat for these. I started with hierodula membrenacea. They get to be quite big. The females of them have big abdomen. I recommend you...
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    Spiny flower color changes

    Hi, hopefully you don't mind but gonna try this as well. I got yellow, red,purple and blue containers. I think I'm gonna put in a flower beside each of them to see what difference it makes. Cheers and nice idea Katie! Cameron.
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    Ian Batten - - (UK)

    Ian sent me 4 spiny flower mantis that i ordered which arrived so quickly! And all in good health! Pretty things too! Have to say he is a good breeder! Cheers, Cameron.
  18. I

    Largest Mantids

    hi, Easily my largest mantis is h.membrenacea but I think my chinese nymphs will get bigger than it when they are adults or my gongy even. Funny how large species (excluding the ones that resemble brances twigs etc) seem to look just basic in brown or green.
  19. I

    Who would win in a battle to the death? Mantis or Scorpion?

    hi, I think that the scorpion would win if they were put together to fight! but I think the scorpion would be fighting for a meal and the mantis fighting for its life so wouldn,t be much of a fight considering the mantis would probs run away in order to live on and breed. After all, mantis...