I'm so glad this topic got bought up again as its nearly time for mine again....I'm 32 this year so its a big one folks!
Last year, Ian sent me a paratoxodera so you are gonna really have to pull the stops out to top that! You have a few weeks to think about it anyway.....I'm sure Yen will do...
I have a few extra Euscopius sp. from N.Italy
Adults £12 each or 5 for £50
1x Scorpling £7
Next day delivery (UK) by RMSD £6
May consider trades for scorps or mantids
email [email protected] or PM for more details
I think it would be awesome although I wouldn't keep a social animal as a pet.
This summer I'm gonna stick my fingers in some jam and let the wasps tuck in.......
Thanks guys, another one hatched this morning.....I say hatch although it was more like an eruption with at least 30 nymphs pouring out! I checked them when I got up this morning and there was nothing, looked again 15 mins later and they were all there!
The older ones have already started...
Another one started hatching this morning! The nymphs are almost luminous green with a black stripe running down the back, really looking forward to see how they develop.
Will try to get some better pics later,
One of my New Zealand Mantis (Orthodera novaezealandiae) ootheca started hatching this morning
Nymphs are larger than I was expecting at 7mm-8mm and very active. Will try and get some better pics over the next few days.
Just got a pair of these beaut's - Hemideina crassidens
This is the male, his mandibles were huge and he was threatening to use them on me while I was taking these pics!
Well impressed!