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  1. E

    Birthday Mantis!!!

    I'm so glad this topic got bought up again as its nearly time for mine again....I'm 32 this year so its a big one folks! Last year, Ian sent me a paratoxodera so you are gonna really have to pull the stops out to top that! You have a few weeks to think about it anyway.....I'm sure Yen will do...
  2. E

    Euscorpius sp. UK

    I have a few extra Euscopius sp. from N.Italy Adults £12 each or 5 for £50 1x Scorpling £7 Next day delivery (UK) by RMSD £6 May consider trades for scorps or mantids email [email protected] or PM for more details Thanks Alan
  3. E


    Cool bugs, hoping to get some soon. Thanks for the info Francisco! Alan
  4. E

    help! :(

    I don't know but if they are drying out that quick I would do what you can to reduce the temp
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    help! :(

    Thats probably the best you can do, are they near a heat source?
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    British Tarantula Society annual show
  7. E

    Theopompa Ophthalmica

    Good luck Yen. you get a new species every week? Look forward to following your progress, Alan
  8. E

    Adult males: No appetite?

    I have often found males to eat less, mainly because they are much more nervous as adults. Perhaps you could try offering smaller food types? Alan
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    Hi, Anyone any experience of keeping/breeding Euscorpius sp.? Tips would be appreciated, thanks Alan
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    Danuria species

    Hi, Has anyone ever kept or had experience with Danuria sp? Interesting looking stick mantid, Thanks Alan
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    Tarachodes sp

    They look great Yen, what length are they now? Alan
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    Pet Hornet

    I know, by the end of the summer I'll be sporting a full wasp beard!
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    Pet Hornet

    I think it would be awesome although I wouldn't keep a social animal as a pet. This summer I'm gonna stick my fingers in some jam and let the wasps tuck in.......
  14. E

    Creobroter species

    Hi Guys, I'm thinking this is Creobroter gemmatus? Pretty sure its male too. Anyone be able to confirm? Thanks Alan
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    Pet Hornet

    I kid you not! Not mine by the way
  16. E

    New Zealand Mantis (Orthodera novaezealandiae) Hatching

    Thanks guys, another one hatched this morning.....I say hatch although it was more like an eruption with at least 30 nymphs pouring out! I checked them when I got up this morning and there was nothing, looked again 15 mins later and they were all there! The older ones have already started...
  17. E

    New Zealand Mantis (Orthodera novaezealandiae) Hatching

    Another one started hatching this morning! The nymphs are almost luminous green with a black stripe running down the back, really looking forward to see how they develop. Will try to get some better pics later, Alan
  18. E

    New Zealand Mantis (Orthodera novaezealandiae) Hatching

    One of my New Zealand Mantis (Orthodera novaezealandiae) ootheca started hatching this morning Nymphs are larger than I was expecting at 7mm-8mm and very active. Will try and get some better pics over the next few days. Alan
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    Just got a pair of these beaut's - Hemideina crassidens This is the male, his mandibles were huge and he was threatening to use them on me while I was taking these pics! Well impressed! Alan
  20. E

    My Chinese Mantids..*first pic post!* xD

    Nice pics, you sure know how to pamper a cricket!