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  1. E

    Otomantis sp.

    Well done Yen, I expect you are already feeding it your magic love potion! Look forward to hearing about your breeding success, Alan
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    Mantid Book

    Hi, Anyone come across this book? Would be interested to know what its like, Thanks Alan
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    Eremiaphila sp a little picture heavy

    Well done Yen, they look amazing as adults
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    Fresh Bluebottle pupa UK

    Hi, I have an excess of plump, juicy bluebottle pupa so I'm selling them in batches of 50. I will post by first class recorded delivery, should start hatching in 5-7 days from now so be quick! £2.00 inc p&p Email [email protected] if interested. Thanks Alan
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    Heres the little critters I'm talking about although I'm not sure the Giant ones are that little!
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    Hi, Has anyone had any experience of keeping and breeding Weta's from New Zealand? Thanks Alan
  7. E

    Hi !!!

    Hi Ben, Good luck with the Dero's! Welcome to the forum, Alan
  8. E

    Wasp control

    I feed wasps and bees to any of my mantids which are big and bold enough to catch them. I must admit, my adult male Idolomantis wouldn't tackle a frantically buzzing wasp but others, including adult P.paradoxa are always happy to tuck into honey bees. Theres no way wild mantids wouldn't...
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    16 today!!

    Ian man.....we all know you've been smoking for years :!: Happy birthday mate! 8) Alan
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    Oxypilus Distinctus

    Awesome looking species Yen. I think the red/black thing is the extended raptorial arm extended and clasping the branch. cheers Alan
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    I agree that in hind site GCSE's don't seem to have much value, I think its more important that they set you up for future studies. Regardless of what they mean to employers, if you work hard at them and get good grades as a result you will probably find it easier to work hard at A-levels etc...
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    A couple of Idolomantis photos

    I see no debate!
  13. E


    Hi Jenn, Fantastic pics on your site! I loved the he a pet too?? ;) Cars look great too but I think the dogs take the biscuit! Anyway, welcome to the wonderful world of mantids! :D Alan
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    Pseudovates arizonae ( arizona unicorn mantis )

    Thats one funky looking mantid Yen, good job as always! Alan
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    The Praying Mantids Book

    Hi, I'm currently selling a copy of this book on amazon at a bargain price. Its a superb book but as I have 2 copies I have decided to part with one. PM if you have any other questions. Alan
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    Mantid Signs

    Cool signs! They would go down a storm over here! Alan
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    Some mantis photos taken on 02-23-07

    Cool pics Yen, what are the top ones? Alan
  18. E

    Ian Batten - - (UK)

    Just received some gorgeous Paradoxa and Idolomantis nymphs from Ian.....first class packaging as always. Can't fault the service or the livestock, Thanks! Alan
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    Some pics from Houston insect zoo

    They are frog leg beetles Ian! Lush aren't they? Think I've seen them on one of the UK websites but never in stock. Alan
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    international mail.. whats the deal?

    Not sure exactly what the postage laws are but I do not the postal service to and from the UK is very unreliable. I had a parcel of ooths sent from Denmark recently which took over a week to arrive. Unfortunately I think the only sure way round this is to send stuff by special delivery which...