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  1. jameslongo

    Signs for Ootheca Laying

    I started documenting when my females lay ooths. They lay an ooth every 3 weeks like clockwork. Give it a try :)
  2. jameslongo

    help! My Adonis is dying of unexplained illness

    Swing and a miss, Alex. Olga was pointing out that the breeder has a better idea of what sex the mantid is than you do. Please take the forum's advice & stop embarrassing yourself.
  3. jameslongo

    Mantis ate poop

    A mantid will drop whatever it is eating as soon as it realises it is bad for it. And that's usually pretty quick.
  4. jameslongo

    nymph deaths - cause???

    Poisoned mosquitoes & gnats wouldn't have killed the nymphs. The LD50 of any insecticide is very low for these insects (i.e. they are highly sensitive). If they were to come into contact with a poison & survive, the amount ingested by the nymphs would be negligible.
  5. jameslongo

    off to the side

    So, what's going on? Are they lying on their sides or chilling on the side of your container?
  6. jameslongo

    Fly species

    Woops, sorry! Better luck next time, mate.
  7. jameslongo

    Whats the best food to feed my L4 ghosts?

    Olga's right :) I've had adult mantids (Stagmomantis size) eat mosquitoes! Although you'd probably have to pump more Drosophila into the enclosure than you would bluebottles.
  8. jameslongo

    bad mood or who got up on wrong side of bed!

    Not at all. It just depends on what tone you use to convey your argument. If you're going to go off topic & start attacking the person with snide remarks, that's bad. We wouldn't have come all this way without arguing
  9. jameslongo

    help! My Adonis is dying of unexplained illness

    Let's just put this topic to bed, shall we? Congrats on the recovery, Khori!
  10. jameslongo

    Fly species

    I'm pretty sure that all Dipterans are non-toxic. Maybe you just caught one that landed in something funky. Plenty of water will help eliminate whatever she ingested.
  11. jameslongo


    Loco na membrana :lol:
  12. jameslongo

    bad mood or who got up on wrong side of bed!

    Drop the hate man!
  13. jameslongo

    veitnam walking stick

    Oh dear! Prof. Google will lose his job at this rate :D He always informs me to open my textbook at Wikipedia.
  14. jameslongo

    Praying mantis hangs both ways

    Don't you mean 'Macquarie High.' Great for Ancient History & pot :D
  15. jameslongo

    neatest species

    I was thinking of posting something like this. Well, great minds do think alike :lol: My favourite mantid that I own is my eldest adult female Pseudomantis albofimbriata. The species I'm liking most at the moment is Neomantis australis
  16. jameslongo

    veitnam walking stick

    About one year from hatch to end of adulthood. The scientific name for the Vietnamese Stick Insect is Medauroidea extradentata. The Vietnamese Spiny Stick Insect is Neohirasea maerens.
  17. jameslongo

    Praying mantis hangs both ways

    I think they look cool. They're called 'Leaf-Winged/Net-Winged Mantids.' They are about the same size as Snake Mantids (see: 'Australian Species' in Mantid Photos) except they have these huge dappled wings, almost like a turtle shell. They are also one of the few mantids that hunts nocturnally.
  18. jameslongo

    fertile ooths

    Good question, massaman. It's been playing on my mind as well. So, the spermatophore is sustained in the female like male gonads, huh? Does that mean a mated female is pseudo-hermaphroditic? I like Rick's thinking. Play it safe. Renew the seeds left on the shelf, so to speak.
  19. jameslongo

    Praying mantis hangs both ways

    That was a very informative article. I reminisced about the good old days when Mozzie the Purple Winged Mantid was alive, the one with the massive goolies :lol: & he was very much to the left, like most human men too, I believe. I know I've set myself up once again but don't you dare...