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  1. TheBeesKnees

    Eeey a real camera!

    Thanks again, guys!! @digger: ooh, right! All of these, except the last photo in the OP, are wild-caught Heirodula sp. :D The odd one out is a tenodera sinensis boy. And here's more Cheuun (the same Heirodula girl featured in the OP): I think this illustrates the limits of the lens and...
  2. TheBeesKnees

    Nymph ID question

    One on the left looks like a creobroter while the one on the right is likely Hierodula or Sphodromantis sp--but is a lot harder to ID without a better photo. Tiny green mantis nymphs encompass quite a wide variety of genera, and can all look very similar with very mild differences @ u@ Someone...
  3. TheBeesKnees

    Another exciting find in the wild (baby edition)!

    here's another one from the same batch who molted to L5, and the first thing I thought when I saw him was "my you're looking very majustic today..." Look at that pink chest! These guys are also shaping up to be pretty small. Even for males, they're turning out to be way tinier than my other...
  4. TheBeesKnees

    Eeey a real camera!

    hehe thanks, guys! I finally sat down and read about ISO and aperture and shutterspeed, etc. I never knew about any of this stuff before--and it kinda helps to know how one affect the other, and how to manipulate these things effectively! I tested some more on one of my tinier nymphs: I'm...
  5. TheBeesKnees

    Eeey a real camera!

    thanks, guys!! <33 I certainly appreciate the encouragement ; u; <3 Also, I found the manual focus feature (just in time for the battery to die), yaaayyy!
  6. TheBeesKnees

    D. lobata molting

    I'm sorry :< Definately try again, sometime. It's quite a blow to have your first mantis perish, but rest assured, you're right that it's probably nothing you had done wrong. Sometimes, these things just happen, and we can't always be there to constantly watch and moderate their behavior. If...
  7. TheBeesKnees

    Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii L6, focus stacks

    your photography makes me ugly cry, it's so beautiful. The colors you get with your lighting set-ups is unreal; amazing. Real talk, tho. This little dude's antennae makes me hungry for gummy worms...
  8. TheBeesKnees

    Eeey a real camera!

    A friend of mine lent me their old Olympus E-P2, and so I'm kinda excited to see how a real camera works. It only came with a pretty standard lens, but up until now, I've only had my little samsung galaxy note 2 phone to take photos with. So needless to say, I'm pretty thankful for the upgrade...
  9. TheBeesKnees

    hello finding mantis pics

    I've only ever had one mantis go into full threat display, sigh... she sure was pretty, though! Wild-caught Statilia nemoralis, found in a rubber plantation in Thailand haha! You don't get more exotic than that.
  10. TheBeesKnees

    D. lobata molting

    my best guess is, she fell, perhaps while hanging from her abdomen off the skin, at which point the impact of the fall, coupled with her soft exoskeleton might have had some dramatic effects on her internal anatomy. My fingers are crossed for both of you, but a nymph who can't find its feet is...
  11. TheBeesKnees

    Head tremors? Mantid Parkinsons??

    Here's an interesting thing: In two of my heirodula girls, and in one of my tenodera males, I've observed a strange behavior where they appear to lose control of their head movements. Their mouths start motoring, antennae flail, and their head shakes and twitches in a manner idendical to what...
  12. TheBeesKnees

    Shipping mantises to Thailand?

    So, more than anything, I really want a pair of Ghosts... But I live in Thailand, and there is literally no trade here for mantises. I mean, I'm pretty spoiled with the number of local species I can get here, but of course I gotta want what I can't have, sigh! I guess, what I'm wondering...
  13. TheBeesKnees

    My Female Ghost Turned Adult :)

    what a sweetheart! She looks amazing! Congrats on such a beautiful adult!!
  14. TheBeesKnees

    My first Orchids

    good god, these colors; the lighting and focus is amazing! These are almost totally surreal! Stunning shots, wowow I want more!!
  15. TheBeesKnees

    My new Hierodula parviceps

    Yeah, apparently, they're missing a completely black fore coxae and a black line on the inside of the forefemur., which was originally documented as a marker for the H. parviceps species. Here's the discussion in question! But if they're not parviceps, and their not patellifera, then...what...
  16. TheBeesKnees


    Absolutely none; it's a relatively high terrarium, and they've been unable to scale the glass walls. But the substrate is just dirt and cocohusk, so if she *could* scale it, and somehow fell, it wouldn't have been a high enough drop, nor a hard enough landing surface, to do any damage. On top of...
  17. TheBeesKnees

    First adult of new generation!

    Hehe there's been a lot of debate about what species my Hierodula are. What ever they are, they're definitely my favorite ; u; <3 baby's first adult meal:
  18. TheBeesKnees

    First adult of new generation!

    The oldest, largest female from my recent generation of Hierodula has molted to adult!! She's came out looking pretty grey, with some nice mottled brown/green wings! I don't know if these are her final colors, of if she'll slowly darken up to a proper brown over the next little while...
  19. TheBeesKnees

    My new Hierodula parviceps

    Not only that, but they are way smaller than the mis-ID'd parviceps I'm catching in the wild, too @ u@;;
  20. TheBeesKnees

    My new Hierodula parviceps

    beautiful mantis!! Looks just like my girls :D A wonderful species. The sea foam colored ones like this are my favorite. though, I was told a while back on this site that these mantises are mis-identified and are not parviceps but some kind of patellifera (based on some old text by the...