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  1. TheBeesKnees


    I woke up this morning to find my favorite 'pede, Hypatia, dead. And I suspect it was a murder. She wasn't just dead, you see. The exoskeleton around her head was cracked right open, and she was almost completely decapitated. Could it have been that one of the males were too rough with her...
  2. TheBeesKnees

    Another exciting find in the wild (baby edition)!

    L4 molt on my colorful pink guy! Still quite pink... His brothers are starting to get more green, But this little dude has decided the fuscia is in!
  3. TheBeesKnees

    Undead Mantis?

    I think you mean... deadicated.
  4. TheBeesKnees

    Undead Mantis?

    They're also very close relatives to the cockroach, who can survive an extremely long time without their head and will only generally die due to dehydration/starvation. Insects do not have a centralized brain or nervous system. All of that stuff is dispersed throughout their body. So while the...
  5. TheBeesKnees

    Another exciting find in the wild (baby edition)!

    Southeast asia is pretty amazing; there's a huuuge variety here (there are at least 15 different genera in Thailand alone, as far as I know--and even more species). I'm sure places in Africa are more of the same, as well.
  6. TheBeesKnees

    Another exciting find in the wild (baby edition)!

    Yeah, majescula are the only Hierodula I know who sport such purple colors... But we don't get 'em here! My purplest one, Pedt, ate a katydid twice his size. I plunked it in there with him, and when I saw how much I underestimated the katydid's size, I was ready to remove it from the enclosure...
  7. TheBeesKnees

    Another exciting find in the wild (baby edition)!

    I've never owned Rhombos, and so I hope that's what this might be! :D I've had quite a few Hierodula though, and I am refraining from saying for sure that's what this is. If it's not, though--it sure is similar. But there are some key things about their behavior and some mild things about...
  8. TheBeesKnees

    Another exciting find in the wild (baby edition)!

    Mystery mantises have reached L3! Have a looksee!: I was feeling pretty sure that I had Hierodula sp. during their L2 stage, but these colors are really throwing me for a loop. Look at the eyeballs on this one; they're fuscia! The other thing throwing me for a loop is both of my mystery...
  9. TheBeesKnees

    Does anyone know anything about Acromantis gestri??

    Ooh finally, and update!! Unfortunately, Mali, the dark red mantis, failed to molt. (s)he had a lack of control over her legs since the day I found her, and even when she was brought up to a point with her health where she could hunt and eat on her own, she still walked strangely, and when she...
  10. TheBeesKnees

    Adult hood Molt?

    Ah, alright--I will admit all of my Hierodula have been wild caught, and the humidity here is often 80-90%. And so this is why I assumed humidity might be some trouble to maintain; but I have never raised species not native to here, so I have no experience with raising 'exotics'. I stand...
  11. TheBeesKnees

    Adult hood Molt?

    Aw, I am so sorry for your loss. :C <3 It looks like she was having a hard time getting out of her molt. .. her raptorials appear pretty stuck. The struggle ofggetting out may have played a factor in why she fell... Hierodula sp. are a tropical species and require very high humidity. I...
  12. TheBeesKnees

    What happens if a mantis eats a honey bee?

    Bees are typically part of many wild mantises diet, and so I don't think it's likely that bees could have killed all of them so quickly... It's likely they've been snacking on bees for quite a while, and this is just the first time you've seen 'em do it. As well, mantids typically don't bleed...
  13. TheBeesKnees

    A common place blemish with no solidly known cause or cure?

    Thanks, guys!! It's good to have the reassurance that this is nothing detrimental. Much appreciated!! Digger, dang, thanks bro!! <3 Unfortunately, I snapped it with my camera phone haha! I can't afford a real camera just yet ; u; But I'm workin' towards it!!
  14. TheBeesKnees

    Another exciting find in the wild (baby edition)!

    Thanks!! Yeah, I'm definitely convinced they're not peacock nymphs after all. I'm not certain these are Statilia sp, either (but I certainly wouldn't cry if they were--my one and only Statilia girl passed away last month, and I've been itching to find another member of her lovely genus!). These...
  15. TheBeesKnees

    A common place blemish with no solidly known cause or cure?

    Ah; I see! I am glad it didn't cause too much issue for your girls, it's good news for mine then! Terrarium size definitely isn't the issue for Cheuun here. She's got a whole ten gallon space to herself 8] I may just have to place her Terrarium in a space where outside stimuli is less...
  16. TheBeesKnees

    A common place blemish with no solidly known cause or cure?

    So, one of my Hierodula girls developed a dark blemish on her eye that I've seen a couple times on this forum before. I only noticed it two-three days ago, and it was pretty small. It didn't grow bigger over the next day or two. I figured that it's probably not an infection, and since she was...
  17. TheBeesKnees

    Is this a Carolina mantis?

    There are deeefinately M. religiosa across the Canadian boarder :] But they're not considered native, since they were brought over from across the pond. And, you'll only find them in the warmer areas. I found mine on a giant island in the middle of Lake Huron (large bodies of water endeavor to...
  18. TheBeesKnees

    First time with a female making a new ootheca.

    ooh you have a T. sinensis lass there! :D Their ooths hatch tons of little youngin's. I second what everyone else above has said. Make sure to separate them before a hatch occurs or momma's gonna have popcorn snack.
  19. TheBeesKnees

    Is this a Carolina mantis?

    ah, if Tenodera is in Quebec, I imagine it must be in ontario, too! Since Quebec's further north :D Man, I lived in Ontario, on an acreage, for so long, and the only mantis I had ever seen was a fat M. religiosa female on Manitoulin Island. That's it! I feel so jipped.
  20. TheBeesKnees

    Is this a Carolina mantis?

    unlikely, I think ontario only gets M. religiosa and T. sinensis. And I'm not even sure about the Tenodera...might just be M. religiosa... Canada does not have many mantis species; I only know of three (the third being L. minor/ground mantis in the Okanagan...) :< I don't think S. carolina...